Program evaluation/Measurement and evaluation resources

Program evaluation

BetterEvaluationSite with many resources and guides, including an overview of Michael Quinn Patton’s Utilization-Focused Evaluation approach.

Centers for Disease Control Program Planning and Evaluation office has program evaluation resources that are aimed at public health but that often have broader applicability.  Of particular interest are collections of resources on logic models; developing process evaluation questions; and data collection and analysis.

InformalScience.  “A collection of project, research, and evaluation resources designed to support the informal STEM education community in a variety of learning environments.”  Curated collection of links to many evaluation resources.

Evaluation Flash Cards by Michael Quinn Patton.  Useful summaries of key evaluation concepts.

Western Michigan University Evaluation Center Evaluation Checklists.  Ones I particularly find useful include

Qualitative Evaluation Checklist by Michael Quinn Patton.

Criteria for Selection of High-Performing Indicators by Goldie MacDonald.

Evaluation tip a day.  “A tip a day by and for evaluators”

Cornell Lab of Ornithology.  Resources for evaluating citizen science projects.

Annie E. Casey Foundation.  How to develop a theory of change.

University of Michigan’s My Environmental Education Research Assistant (MEERA) site provides steps for planning and conducting evaluations, including advice for developing and prioritizing evaluation questions.


Douglas Hubbard The book How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of Intangibles in Business offers strategies to quantifying seemingly intractable elements of an organization.