
In emergency cyber-physical systems, every emergency response operation involves a human rescue team including members with different skill sets.  For example, physicians, nurses, and specialists are the rescue team in a resuscitation procedure while firefighters and paramedics are the team in a fire rescue operation. The process of rescue is based on collaboration of human and machine to avert imminent loss of life or property in a fast changing environment. The rescue team, subjects to be rescued and the machine each have their own dynamics. The availability of team members changes during the operation; the condition of patient and fired building varies in time; and the machine configuration changes as components fail or new components become available. These issues involve four aspects: data management, situation awareness, reconfiguration, and fault-tolerance. These issues have not been fully addressed. In traditional situation awareness the focus has been mostly on human-machine interaction. However, in a synergic emergency cyber-physical system, the awareness of human must be increased to include the new capabilities of cyber physical system. Moreover, the components of the cyber-physical system must be aware of capabilities and limitation of the human team.

Presentation and Posters:

NSF Poster 2016 UIUC

NSF Poster 2016 IIT

Recent Publications:

  • Maryam Rahmaniheris, Po-Liang Wu, Lui Sha and Richard R. Berlin, “An Organ-Centric Best Practice Assist System for Acute Care,” 2016 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), Belfast and Dublin, Ireland, 2016
  • Yu Jiang, Lui Sha, Maryam Rahmaniheris, Binhua Wan, Mohammad Hosseini, Pengliu Tan, Richard B. Berlin Jr. “Sepsis Patient Detection and Monitor Based on Auto-BN”. J. Medical Systems 40(4): 111:1-111:10, 2016
  • Andrew Y.-Z. Ou, Yu Jiang, Po-Liang Wu, Lui Sha , Richard Berlin, “Using Human Intellectual Tasks as Guidelines to Systematically Model Medical Cyber-Physical Systems”, accepted in IEEE 28th SMC, Budapest, 2016.
  • M. Hosseini, J. Yu, Pp-Liang Wu, R. Berlin, S. Ren, and L. Sha, “A pathophysiological model-driven communication for dynamic distributed medical best practice guidance Systems”, Journal of Medical Systems, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s10916-016-0583-5
  • Chunhui  Guo, Shangping  Ren, Yu Jiang,  Po-Liang  Wu, Lui Sha, and Richard Berlin, Transforming Medical Best Practice Guidelines to Executable and Verifiable Statechart Models,  the  ACM/IEEE 7th  International Conference  on Cyber-Physical Systems,  ICCPS  2016
  • Yu Jiang, Han Liu, Hui Kong, Rui Wang, Mohammad Hosseini, Jia-Guang Sun, Lui Sha: Use runtime verification to improve the quality of medical care practice. ICSE (Companion Volume) 2016
  • Mohammad Hosseini, Jiang Yu, Poliang Wu, Richard Berlin, Shangping Ren, and Lui Sha. 2016. “A Pathophysiological Model-Driven Communication for Dynamic Distributed Medical Best-Practice Guidance Systems”, Journal of Medical Systems, 40, 8, June 2016
  • Maryam Rahmaniheris, Po-Liang Wu, Lui Sha and Richard Berlin. “An Organ-Centric Best Practice Assist System for Acute Care“, The 29th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2016),
  • Yunlong Gao, Shaohan Hu, Renato Mancuso, Hongwei Wang, Minje Kim, Po-Liang Wu, Lu Su, Lui Sha, Tarek F. Abdelzaher: “Exploiting structured human interactions to enhance estimation accuracy in cyber-physical systems”, International Conference on Cyber Physical System (ICCPS) 2015

