
Photo of the Berenbaum Lab

Berenbaum Lab, August 2021

Front row (L-R): Wen-Yen Wu (PhD student), Ling-Hsiu Liao (research scientist), Teresia Njoroge* (PhD student), Jacob Dixon** (visiting graduate student).

Second row (L-R): Vicente Aldunate (undergraduate hourly), Kirk Green (co-advised MS graduate student), Ed Hsieh (co-advised PhD student), Bernarda Calla*** (research scientist) and Calla’s daughter Senna

Back row (L-R): William Montag (MS student), Charles Dean (PhD student), May Berenbaum (PI)

Not in the photo: Daniel Bush (PhD student), Henry Harrington (undergraduate), Jack Easley (undergraduate)

*Now a post-doc at University of Notre Dame

**Now a PhD student, Tulane University

***Now at USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR

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