Hello world!


Welcome to my author site. Here I will post publication credits, with links where possible. I’ll also begin to build some pages with resources for writing. I’m having fun thinking of resources I can share with other writers. What are your favorites?  Leave me a comment if you have questions or want to see something here that I haven’t thought of yet.

Current Projects

I thought that posting about my current projects would help me keep on track. Here goes.

Finished Mss–Ruth Harris: Gooseberry Fool in a Field Full of Brambles
My novel in stories. I’m currently shopping it around to publishers. Many, but not all, of the stories featured on my Publications Acknowledgments tab are from this manuscript.

Work-in-Progress–The Proving Ground: A Prairie Labyrinth
Essays, memoir. I’m just over halfway to my word count goal.

Back Burner–Compost (working title)
A novella that got too long. I will be excited to return to this when I finish the book of essays.