Critical Response Feedback Continued

Dear Shannon,

I know you are not familiar with college papers, but I thought I would tell you about this big research paper I will be working on this semester. Right now I am in Rhet 101 and I have to find an intriguing and demanding topic to write about.  I am thinking about writing about a certain war time period that impacted U of I students. The Second World War or the Vietnam is a topic that intrigues me. Both topics interest me, so I do not think I will get bored easily, which is important when writing this research paper.  I need to dive into the time period when doing my research.  I am hoping to find cool artifacts from the student archives that guide my writing.  If I am writing about the Second World War It would be cool to see letters or writings about family in the war, or how they felt during this time period.  On the other hand, if I am writing about the Vietnam war time period, I would like to see protest posters. These artifacts will strengthen my paper immensely.


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