Last updated 7/28/2020
We have received many questions from our students starting their master’s level coursework this fall 2020 concerning the structure of classes and program activities. Some common questions are below, along with the best responses we can currently provide. Note that these responses only apply to fall 2020. As always, refer to the campus-level updates for the most timely and accurate information.
How will I attend ACE classes this fall?
Our professors and instructors have spent the summer making their courses accessible for remote-learning. All ACE classes being offered in fall 2020 will have an online option. There will not be any courses that are entirely in person, but there will be an opportunity for an in-person component (i.e. in class once/week) for some courses. We’re calling these “hybrid” courses. Note that course choices may be more limited than a usual semester, and we cannot guarantee that all classes you originally wanted to take will be offered online this semester. You may have to choose a different class than intended in order to maintain a full course load.
Do I have to be on-campus this fall?
For fall 2020, you will be able to take a full course load online. ACE 500, 562 and 564 are the required core courses for your first fall semester, and they will be fully accessible online. Many other 400 and 500-level ACE courses are also being offered online. One benefit to being on campus may be that your experience is better since you may be able to attend some classes in-person and have that interaction with your cohort and professors. However, it is uncertain whether the situation will change later in the semester and is dependent on the Pandemic’s impact on our local population.
Should I plan to be on campus for Spring 2021?
It remains uncertain as to whether classes will go back to fully in-person, remain a hybrid, or go fully online. It is always beneficial to follow the state and university news regarding changes to policies and structure of schooling. We will provide information to our students as soon as we have it.
How will I attend orientation, math camp, and figure out registration?
The MS/MAAE Math Camp is scheduled for Monday 8/10-Friday 8/14. There are 1-2 sessions scheduled each day, but there is not a final schedule yet. It will likely be held in the Stock Pavilion. More details are to come. You will be able to attend in-person; the sessions will also be recorded and potentially live-streamed.
Orientation is scheduled for Thursday 8/20-Friday 8/21 and will be in-person at Mumford Hall while observing all social distancing measures and hygiene procedures set by the University. If you are unable or prefer not to attend in-person, orientation materials will be available via email.
Registration is always done online, and we are available to discuss your options over phone or email.
I am an international student and am concerned about the class times.
If you are attending class remotely from a conflicting time zone, ACE instructors are willing to work with you on a case-by-case basis to ensure you do not have to attend class in the middle of your night. Instructors will likely record their lectures for international students that live in conflicting time zones, but it will be your responsibility to connect with the class instructor to work out your semester plan.