We invite all oral and poster presenters to submit their papers to be considered for the LSRL 51 selected proceedings. Instead of one of LSRLs’ previous publication venues, we have decided to publish the proceedings as a Special Issue of the journal Isogloss (https://revistes.uab.cat/isogloss/index) in the series Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory, number 18 (RLLT 18).
Paper deadline: July 30th, 2021
The deadline for submitting your paper to be sent out for peer-blind review and to be considered for publication in the selected proceedings is July 30th, 2021.
Basic formatting info:
Length: 8,000 words (excluding references). At the beginning of the paper, add a 200-word abstract and 4-8 keywords. Articles should be submitted in .pdf and compiled using this template (for Word) or using this template (for LaTeX).
Complete formatting details can be found here.
To submit, go to Isogloss (https://revistes.uab.cat/isogloss/index) and first register (see “REGISTER” in upper right-hand corner), then click on “SEND YOUR ARTICLE” also in upper right-hand corner, and finally, after clicking on “SEND YOUR ARTICLE”, scroll down to “RLLT 18 Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory” and submit via the corresponding link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at lsrl51.conference@gmail.com.