Guest Writer for MRS Bulletin Materials News

What if rigid and solid electronics could vanish before your eyes? An emerging class of electronic devices that could physically disappear or hydrolyze has been given the name of transient electronics. The rate of dissolution depends on the material used and properties such as film thickness, polymer crystallinity, and environmental conditions. All of these parameters could be engineered to enable programmable degradation of electronic devices.

(Find more details on Materials 360 Online)

American Ceramic Society in Madrid Summer School

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School is in session—ECerS hosts summer school program in Madrid, Spain

The European Ceramic Society hosted a summer school program June 17–19, 2015 in Madrid that focused on ceramic and glass science and technology—specifically, applications to bioceramics and bioglasses. Then, it is the 14th European Ceramic Society Annual Conference in Toledo, Spain.

I am very honored to be selected as one of the U.S. representative in the summer school and the 14th European Ceramic Society Annual Conference. The ECerS conference and summer school is a life changing experience for researchers at any stage of their career—it truly expands your horizons in ideas, collaborations, aspirations, and professional network.