Views from Library Leaders

Licensing Privacy: Views from Library Leadership

White Paper: Licensing Privacy: Views from Library Leadership [PDF],  A Report by Danielle  Cooper, Associate Director, Ithaka S+R, July 2021

Recording from October 13, 2021:

This webinar shares findings from interviews with library leaders about how privacy concerns inform their negotiations and agreements with vendors. Danielle Cooper, Manager of Collaborations and Research at Ithaka S+R, conducted semi-structured interviews with library administrative leaders as well as exploratory interviews with librarians who support license negotiations. Through these findings, we better understand how library leaders prioritize privacy as well how privacy decisions are delegated in library organizations. A companion report will be published following the webinar.This work was undertaken as a component of the Mellon-supported Licensing Privacy project, which aims to improve how licensing terms are leveraged by academic libraries to advocate for patron privacy. The goal is to effect change in third-party platform practices in order to bring them into alignment with library values of privacy, confidentiality, and respect for user control over their usage data. Future webinars will focus on evaluating contract language and privacy policies, understanding authentication and authorization frameworks, and best practices in handling user data. Presenter: Danielle Cooper, Ithaka S+R; Facilitator: Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign