July Library Office Notes






ANNOUNCEMENTS: University Librarian Note
We are coming to the end of our strategic planning process, intended to establish our priorities for the next five years (2019-2023). The work of the Library Strategic Planning Team (LSPT) was superb, and I want to thank everyone for their contributions to that process and for their engagement with the retreat. I especially want to thank our chairs, Clara Chu, Merinda Hensley, and Jen-Chien Yu, for their leadership and their hard work. I will devote this month’s Dean’s Note to recapping where we are in the process, discussing next steps, and reminding everyone where they can find the work that’s been done to-date. Read more…
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Library Building Project Update – 7/1/2019
Tom Teper, Associate Dean for Collections and Technical Services

Committees and Working Groups – Programming the Main Library
Since the last update, the Programming WG has reviewed and evaluated the 50% plan document from the consultants, responding with clarifications and corrections based on our original needs list and our participation in the May planning exercises. We also plotted additional topics to discuss in future meetings such as anticipated service locations and profiles and the related impacts, and whether additional user data and information should be gathered by the group. Because all library staff have the ability to comment on the consultants planning documents, we look forward to reading individuals’ responses and thoughts on the plans and incorporating those into our discussions.

Kirstin (Dougan) Johnson is chairing the working group, and more information on the working group and its efforts can be found here: https://www.library.illinois.edu/staff/committee/the-library-as-catalyst-project-programming-the-main-library-building-wg/. Questions or comments can be directed to the group at any time.

Committees and Working Groups – Collections
Following the open forum held on May 21st, 2019, the Managing the Library’s Collections Working Group solicited additional input from members of the Library, receiving several email messages and additional communications before meeting with the campus-wide Library Consultation Working Group in order to discuss recommendations for the management of the collections.

Utilizing the input received and feedback from the Library Consultation Working Group, the Managing the Library’s Collections Working Group finalized its recommendations and submitted them to the Executive Committee on June 26, 2019.

More information on the working group and its efforts can be found here:  https://www.library.illinois.edu/staff/committee/the-library-as-catalyst-project-managing-the-librarys-collections-wg/.

Committees and Working Groups – Special Collections Research Center (SCRC)
The Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) Working Group has continued meeting in preparation for working with our Programming and Conceptual Design firm. Subgroups focused on Exhibits and Outreach; Public Services; Environment and Storage; and Logistics and Operations have been pulling together data in support of the forthcoming consulting work.

The SCRC has then discussed some of the recommendations of the subgroups, and will be developing a cover memo to JLK and brightspot that incorporates some of the input received.

The framework under which these and other working groups directly associated with this project will work is posted here: https://www.library.illinois.edu/staff/committee/the-library-as-catalyst-project-a-framework-for-working-groups-and-input-solicitation/.

Committees and Working Groups – Library Consultation Working Group (Campus Level Cmte)
Members of the campus’ Library Consultation Working Group had an opportunity to review and comment on the 50% documents developed by JLK and brightspot following their onsite visioning sessions from May 14-16, 2019. The Working Group itself met weekly through the month of June, learning about the findings from several recent library assessment activities, discussing collections issues, and spending time discussing the 50% documents.

Stress Management Workshops
The Staff Development & Training Committee is sponsoring a stress management workshop series by Michele Guerra, Director of Campus Wellbeing Services. Michele provided an overview of the series at the March 13 Building Project Update and there has been interest expressed in bringing this workshop series to the Library.

Michele has offered to present each session twice, on the same day, to accommodate different schedules. A brief summary of each session is listed below, as well as the date and two times it is presented. Please register for each session you would like to attend (participation is limited to 25 participants per session). All are welcome!

Session 1: Getting a handle on stress, including identifying and analyzing your current coping tools and building an effective stress management toolbox

Offered Tuesday, June 4 at either 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.

Session 2: Learning to relax, which covers how stress affects you physically and how to select a relaxation technique(s) that work for you

Offered Tuesday, June 11 at either 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.

Session 3: Reducing stress by taming your mind, including understanding how your perceptions and thoughts impact your stress level, and practicing affirmation and/or meditation technique

Offered Tuesday, July 23 at either 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.

Session 4: Dealing with stress at work, which applies previously learned stress management tools to managing stressors at work, discusses strategies for coping with uncertain situations, and explores ways to resolve conflict

(Important: Please complete at least Session 1 before taking Session 4, as participants use techniques covered in these earlier sessions.)

Offered Tuesday, August 6 at either 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.

All sessions are in Library Room 220. Each of the 4 sessions will be recorded for those unable to attend and recordings will be made available shortly after sessions. These sessions are approved Library events. Staff should request time for the event in advance from their supervisor, and be sensitive to coverage issues for the unit.

To register for session(s), please click on the session time you would like, above, or go to the Library Staff Calendar.

For questions, contact Jake MacGregor (jdmac@illinois.edu) or Zoe Revell (revell@illinois.edu).

Contracts and Firms – Main Library
As noted in earlier updates, the University Library is working with an architectural firm to help with the programming activities. Chicago-based Johnson, Lasky, Kindelin (JLK) Architects is the approved firm, and they are working with a firm knows as BrightSpot Strategy to help the University Library and our campus partners to begin developing the program for the Library Building Project. More information on JLK Architects, including information on other projects they have helped develop, can be found on the company’s website: http://www.jlkarch.com/. BrightSpot Strategy’s website can be found here: https://www.brightspotstrategy.com/.

Following the March 14, 2019 kick-off meeting, activities have moved forward at a reasonable pace with JLK and brightspot personnel on-site to lead three days of visioning activities focused on the Main Library Building. These sessions took place on May 14 – 16, 2019, and follow-up calls/discussions have been held with members of project leadership and the firms on May 22nd and 24th. These Main Library Building-centered activities are occurring as part of the Validation, Programming, and Space Planning Activities in the schedule below. The Library received the 50% documents from JLK and brightspot in early June and responded with comments ten days later.

As you know from LibNews, the 75% drawings were recently received. A copy is available for review in 230 Main Library.

Contracts and Firms – Special Collections Research Center
As noted in previous updates, the Library anticipated establishing a contract with JLK and brightspot for the special collections building that would parallel the earlier process. That contract was established in early June and a kick off meeting was scheduled with JLK and brightspot representatives on June 19, 2019. Members of the Special Collections Research Center WG attended the call.

At present, an initial interview is being scheduled with that working group’s leadership in preparation for some broader discussions in the coming months.


  • Monthly Updates – As you know, there are now monthly updates about the Library Building Project distributed via LibNews. These will be posted in a separate section of LON. The intent of both is to ensure open communication of specific information related to the Library Building Project.
  • Quarterly Updates – The fourth Quarterly Update for the project was held on May 17, 2019. The fifth Quarterly Update is scheduled for September 9th at 4:00. We anticipate that the live stream provided by the Media Commons will be available for this one as well.
  • Website – The Library Building Project has a website located at: https://www.library.illinois.edu/library-building-project/. Here you can read about the vision behind this program, seek answers to many of the Frequently Asked Questions that might arise, and read about upcoming events or project news. You can also submit additional questions to the project team at librarybuildingproject@library.illinois.edu.
  • ITHAKA Faculty Survey – The ITHAKA Faculty Survey has been completed. For those that are interested in viewing some of the feedback received as part of that survey or others conducted as part of Library Assessment, please go here: https://www.library.illinois.edu/staff/assessment/libsurv/.

Facilities Schedules
The assigned project coordinator from F&S is Dennis Craig. Dennis has been involved in numerous projects across the University Library. He also serves as the Campus Historic Preservation Officer and is serving on the feasibility study being conducted related to the instructional facility that may be situated adjacent to the Main Library as well as initial work related to the Special Collections Building.

As noted earlier, the University Library recently received approval to work with JLK Architects and BrightSpot Strategies. Based on the kick off date of March 14, 2019, the schedule below represents the most current estimated project timeline for this phase.

Library Redevelopment Plan Programming and Conceptual Design Study (U18083):

Table describes Library Redevelopment Plan Programming and Conceptual Design Study

In addition to the Main Library Building project, Dennis Craig recently prepared a preliminary schedule for the first phase of the Special Collections Facility Programming Study. This schedule will be adjusted to accommodate changes in the project schedule, etc…. Presently, we anticipate seeing the completion date in mid-October 2019.

Undergraduate Library – Special Collections Facility Programming Study (U19112):

Table describes Special Collections Facility Programming Study for Undergraduate Study

Long-Term Project Schedule
Following the completion of the initial Programming and Conceptual Design phase, the schedule below represents a best guess as to the project schedule through December 2024.

Library Redevelopment – Design/Bid/Build (U20XXX):

Table describes Design/Bid/Build of Library Redevelopment

Outreach and Engagement
Tom Teper is scheduled to talk to the iSchool alumni on July 13th during their on campus event.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Summer Reading Challenge at the Residence Hall Libraries
Pick up a card from the Ikenberry Library to participate. Complete 3 or more of our reading challenges to earn a souvenir bag with Residence Hall Library goodies and be entered for a Grand Prize! The Ikenberry Library is open M–F, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., over the summer and is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Dining & Residential Programs Building, 301 E. Gregory Dr., Champaign. For more information, visit https://housing.illinois.edu/Resources/residence-hall-libraries/events.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: ILS Coordination Report
Michael Norman, Discovery Services Librarian and ILS Coordinator

Activity over the past month (May 27 to June 18, 2019)
The ILS Coordination Team is busily testing the migration of our Voyager and SFX data into the Alma system. We received our Vanguard test instance of Alma on May 21st and we are doing some initial testing and observation of the migration of data and how it mapped over into the structure of the Alma system. Good news. We did observe that most of the acquisitions, bibliographic records, holdings data, items data, SFX knowledgebase activations, Reserve items, Library patron information, items with circulation statuses, and library location information did migrate over successfully.

There were some issues with the migration of our data including:

  • Ex Libris use of a Master bibliographic record (pulled from the consortial Network Zone) that overrides some of our local versions of bibliographic records,
  • Representation of analyzed titles and boundwiths in both Alma and Primo,
  • Technical categories being assigned to all items in Voyager that have a status associated with it (In Process, Lost, Missing, At Bindery, etc.), and
  • Information normally recorded in the MFHD holding record not showing in the Primo discovery instance. We have identified our major pain points of the migration of our data over

On May 27th, we also received a Vanguard Test version of the Library’s Primo instance. It is a completely different version from the previous Primo instance the Library had back in 2012 – 2014. It has a much different interface, a combined Ex Libris and ProQuest Central Index of collections that can be activated by the Library, and there are additional options in creating individual search scopes/profiles (for Catalog only search, WorldCat search, IDEALS and local digital collections, ProQuest Newspaper Collections search, Course Reserves, DataSets, and other possibilities). We have viewed that known–item search capabilities are improved. Relevancy ranking appears to be better than in the previous version with Primo now being able to search across various fields (author, title, publisher, pubdate, etc.) and bring the best matched to the top of results lists. We are looking forward to testing out the Primo and Alma APIs to incorporate searches into Easy Search Bento Discovery.

In our Primo instance, there was a mix up in the preliminary setup with Wikipedia references being activated as a collection pulled into the primary search scope, but this has been corrected recently and Ex Libris is exploring why it popped into our setup. We have activated several sources, including ProQuest Theses and Dissertations Global, Alexander Street Press collections, HathiTrust, and Biodiversity Heritage Library to see how well Primo integrates these collections with our local catalog and we have seen some difficulties with this as the ProQuest databases are performing full-text searches in these collections and these can tend to overwhelm and swamp our local catalog records. Also, our IDEALS collections were not migrated over during this Vanguard Test phase as anticipated and Ex Libris is examining why this did not occur.

The Vanguard Test Phase is winding down for the five I-Share libraries over the next few weeks. We will still have access to the Ex Libris Project Team and CARLI colleagues to help as we continue to test both Alma and Primo. We will have access to this Vanguard Test Phase instance of Alma and Primo through mid-October 2019. After several members of the ILS Coordination Team completes the Ex Libris certification process (by the end of June 2019), we will continue to experiment with the configuration of both systems to prepare for the 2nd Test Phase to Alma/Primo implementation. The team will showcase Alma and Primo and demonstrate the new functionalities and capabilities of the systems to all in the Library over the next several months to prepare for the next Test Phase.

Here is a reminder of the overall timeline for the Library in the implementation of the new systems over the next year:

Provides timeline of Alma/PrimoVE Migration

Discussion/Demonstration of Alma and Primo to Library Divisions
As part of the showcasing of Alma/Primo, members of the ILS Implementation Team will attend Division meetings over the next 2 months. Here is a meeting schedule with each Library Division:

  • June 19 (9:30 – 10:00 a.m.) – Central Public Service
  • June 20 (10:00 – 10:30 a.m.) – Law
  • June 26 (10:00 – 10:30 a.m.) – Tech Services
  • June 26 (1:30 – 2:00 p.m.) – Special Collections
  • June 27 (10:30 – 11:00 a.m.) – Center for Children’s Books
  • July 3 (10:00 – 10:30 a.m.) – Residence Halls
  • August 6 (10:30 – 11:00 a.m.) – Arts & Humanities
  • August 7 (10:00 – 10:30 a.m.) – Social Sciences
  • August 8 (10:00 – 10:30 a.m.) – Area Studies
  • August 14 (10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.) – Life Sciences

Here is link on Box to the accompanying PowerPoint presentation we will be giving at the Division meetings: https://uofi.box.com/s/y49r4a0f8i04m0eob62g4yi1cnu3tlve.

Library-wide Information Sessions on Alma/Primo Implementation
The ILS Implementation Team will have three identical information sessions in late July and early August to give updates on the Vanguard Test Phase for the implementation of the Alma/Primo systems here in the Library and in the I-Share consortial libraries. During the current Vanguard Test Phase, we have had access to test instances of both Alma and Primo for about 3-4 weeks now and the Team is busily examining the migration of the Library’s Voyager and SFX data into the new systems and determining how all this maps over to the different structures in Alma/Primo. We have gained a good overview of the Alma/Primo systems and we are at a place where we want to give a preliminary introduction to the Library and showcase the functionalities of both systems.

The dates for the Alma/Primo Implementation sessions are:

  • Tuesday, July 23rd, 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. in Room 106
  • Tuesday, July 30th, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. in Room 106
  • Tuesday, August 6th, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. in Room 106

There will be many more information sessions in the Fall 2019 after we get access to the Library’s new instances of Alma and Primo during the Second Test Phase starting mid-October.

Recommended Testing of Third Party Integration
The ILS Coordination Team will start testing various 3rd party programs and devices to interact with Alma and Primo. We are prioritizing these following systems to start with and continue to work on other services throughout the second test phase:

  • SIS (patron loader) in conjunction with campus
  • Barcode scanners
  • ID Card Readers
  • Spine-label printing
  • Circulation Desks printing
  • User printing
  • Financial System
  • Bursar System
  • Self-Check Out System

Updated View of UIU PrimoVE search results

Provides screenshot of PrimoVE search results

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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grant Announcements for External Fundraisers
As always, if you are interested in all grant opportunities across disciplines, feel free to subscribe to the OVCR’s list at https://groups.webservices.illinois.edu/subscribe/19149.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Heidi Imker or Kathie Veach.

NEH Grants
There are no pending IMLS deadlines at this time.

07/16/2019 – Humanities Collections and Reference Resources
Output: Digitized Collection, Web Resources, Catalogs, Databases, Encyclopedias

08/15/2019 – Public Humanities Projects
Output: Reinterpretation Plans; Exhibition

08/28/2019 – University of Illinois – Campus Research Board NEW!

09/19/2019 – Humanities Connections Planning Grants
Output: Curriculum, Community Partnerships, Faculty Development, Teaching Resources

09/19/2019 – Humanities Connections Implementation Grants
Output: Linked Courses, Curriculum, Community Partnerships, Faculty Development, Teaching Resources

10/03/2019 – NHPRC – Access to Historical Records: Archival Projects

10/15/2019 – Dialogues on the Experience of War
Output: Curriculum, Community Partnerships, Discussions Groups, Facilitator Training

10/16/2019 – University of Illinois – Campus Research Board  NEW!

12/04/2019 – Scholarly Editions and Translation Grants
Output: Book, Translation, Edition, Music edition

12/04/2019 – Collaborative Research Grants
Output: Book, Digital Material & Publication, Other Scholarly Resource, Themed issue of peer reviewed journal, Conference, Workshop

01/15/2020 – University of Illinois – Campus Research Board  NEW!

01/16/2020 – NHPRC – Access to Historical Records: Major Initiatives (Preliminary)

01/15/2020 – Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections
Output: Preservation Supplies/Equipment, Reports on Preventive Conservation

01/15/2020 – National Digital Newspaper Program
Output: Web Resources, Digitized Newspapers

02/05/2020 – Public Scholar Program
Output: Book

02/13/2020 – Summer Seminars and Institutes for Higher Education Faculty
Output: Conference/Institute/Seminar

02/13/2020 – Summer Seminars and Institutes for K-12 Faculty
Output: Conference/Institute/Seminar

03/04/2020 – University of Illinois – Campus Research Board  NEW!

03/04/2020 – Institutes for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities  NEW!
Output: Conference/Institute/Seminar

04/08/2020 – NEH-Mellon Fellowships for Digital Publication NEW!
Output: Digital Material & Publications
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Library Tip of the Month
The Library sends a monthly email to new faculty at Illinois during the fall and spring semesters. These emails introduce many of our services and resources to this important audience.

If you have ideas for future emails, please feel free to share them with Heather Murphy.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Collection Development Committee Notes
The most recent meetings minutes of the CDC are posted at:
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Content Access Policy & Technology Meeting Minutes
The meetings minutes of CAPT (including work group reports) are posted at:
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Recognizing Excellence

Please forward journal editorships or editorial board membership, elected and invited external service appointments, honors, and awards information to Heather Murphy.
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HR NEWS: Filled Positions

  • Sarah Harris – Archival Program Officer, University Archives (June 16)
  • Kate Nichols – Archival Program Officer, University Archives (June 16)
  • Quinita Balderson – Library Specialist, Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery (July 15)

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IT NEWS: Zoom Pro for Library Faculty and Staff
Beginning July 1, 2019, Library faculty and staff will be granted a Zoom Pro license when using the University of Illinois Zoom Service found at https://illinois.zoom.us.

Zoom Pro video conferencing provides meeting and webinar functionality that enhances learning and collaboration among students, faculty, staff, and research partners. In addition, various plugins are available providing integrated scheduling of meetings/classes from within a variety of applications like Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, and several Learning Management Systems.

To access Zoom Pro, navigate to the URL noted with a Zoom supported web browser (Google Chrome is recommended) and click on “Sign in” and then login using your University credentials.

Zoom Pro features include:

  • Include up to 100 meeting participants (increase to 500 or 1000 for additional fee).
  • 24-hour meeting duration limit.
  • Create a waiting room or allow attendees to join before host.
  • Assign unique roles to meeting participants.
  • Create breakout rooms – Split your meeting into separate sessions.
  • In-meeting chat, nonverbal feedback (raise hand), create polls.
  • Host can mute or un-mute all participants.
  • Outlook, Google Calendar, Compass 2G, Moodle, Kaltura integrations.
  • Record meetings locally or to the cloud (a 1-hour recording is roughly 100mb in size).
  • Cloud Recording is limited to 1GB per user, and recordings are kept for 120 days.
  • Allow user-initiated recordings.
  • Recordings can include transcriptions.

For questions, support, or the purchase of add-on features such as meetings larger than 100 participants, webinars, or Zoom Rooms, contact Library Information Technology Help Desk via email help@library.illinois.edu or phone 217-244-4688.
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IT NEWS: Staffing Updates
We will have two new full-time staff members joining Library IT in July as Web Application Developers. John Rutherford is expected to start July 1, 2019, and Dan Dalpiaz is expected to start July 15, 2019. Please join me in giving them a warm welcome to the Library.
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FACILITIES: Facility Project Updates

  • ACES Funk Library – Additional Staff Offices – F&S working on contract with consultant to design office space for staff on the second floor. Design and construction documents to be complete in August 2019. Construction anticipated to be September December 2019.
  • Library Programming and Conceptual Design – Johnson Lasky Kindelin Architects & Brightspot Strategies are the consultants for the project. Part 1 validation, programming and space planning activities – draft report due end of May 2019. Part 2 conceptualization & design, prioritization & phasing – June 15 –July 7, 2019.
  • Main Library Roof and HVAC Exterior Ductwork Replacement F&S is working on the consultant selection process – Design and construction documents to be complete in August 2020. Construction December 2020 – September 2021.
  • Main Library – Reading Room 200 Renovation & Room 220 Conceptual Design Bid documents May 20, 2019. Bid and award set for August 2019. Construction August 2019 – February 2020.
  • Main Library – 1st Floor Central Service Point Construction June – September 2019.
  • Undergraduate Library – Elevator Replacement Hiring professional services consultant during June 2019. Design and construction documents complete December 2019. Construction March 2020 – March 2021.

For a complete list of projects in planning and construction, please see: https://wordpress.library.illinois.edu/staff/facilities/
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Staff Events Calendar
To see the most up-to-date staff events calendar, please visit https://uiuc.libcal.com/calendar/staff.
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Library IT Phase 1 – Basic Conference Room Training
Wednesday, July 3
10:00 – 11:00 a.m., 106 Main Library

Training is for full-time Library faculty and staff for the Library conference rooms in order to log on to the dedicated room PC.

Who needs training? Full-time Library employees that plan on hosting a meeting that requires using the Library Conference Room computer equipment will need training. This training is required only once. If you are a new Library Employee, or if you plan to video conference, host a webinar, or participate in a library search committee (regarding interviews and candidate presentation days), then the Library IT phase 1 training session is necessary in order to log in to the conference room computer and use the room equipment. Also, anyone who would like a training refresher is always welcome to attend.

We will go over what the rooms have to offer and where to find this information. Demos include laptop connection, using the dedicated room PC, sound checks, enlarging text within documents and websites, troubleshooting common issues, and using the wireless VIA application.

Due to limited seating, please sign up if you plan to attend.
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Summer Open House at the Ikenberry Library
Wednesday, July 10th
12:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Stop by the Ikenberry Library to stock up on your summer entertainment needs! The Residence Hall Libraries have lots of great new books, audiobooks, DVDs, video games, board games, CDs, and magazines, all available for check-out with your I-Card. Light refreshments will be provided.” For more information, visit https://housing.illinois.edu/Resources/residence-hall-libraries/events.
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Stress Management Workshop Series
The Staff Development & Training Committee is sponsoring a stress management workshop series by Michele Guerra, Director of Campus Wellbeing Services. Michele provided an overview of the series at the March 13 Building Project Update and there has been interest expressed in bringing this workshop series to the Library.

Michele has offered to present each session twice, on the same day, to accommodate different schedules. A brief summary of each session is listed below, as well as the date and two times it is presented. Please register for each session you would like to attend (participation is limited to 25 participants per session). All are welcome!

Session 3: Reducing stress by taming your mind, including understanding how your perceptions and thoughts impact your stress level, and practicing affirmation and/or meditation technique

Offered Tuesday, July 23 at either 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.

Session 4: Dealing with stress at work, which applies previously learned stress management tools to managing stressors at work, discusses strategies for coping with uncertain situations, and explores ways to resolve conflict

(Important: Please complete at least Session 1 before taking Session 4, as participants use techniques covered in these earlier sessions.)

Offered Tuesday, August 6 at either 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.

All sessions are in Library Room 220. Each of the 4 sessions will be recorded for those unable to attend and recordings will be made available shortly after sessions.

These sessions are approved Library events. Staff should request time for the event in advance from their supervisor, and be sensitive to coverage issues for the unit.

To register for session(s), please click on the session time you would like, above, or go to the Library Staff Calendar.

For questions, contact Jake MacGregor (jdmac@illinois.edu) or Zoe Revell (revell@illinois.edu).
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If you would like to submit content for the August issue of Library Office Notes, please submit it to Heather Murphy or Tom Teper by July 19, 2019.