Lian Ruan Receives Outstanding Library Leadership Award from CALA

Photo courtesy of the Illinois Fire Service Institute

Dr. Lian Ruan, Head Librarian/Director for Library and Archive, Research and Digital Collection Operations, and Director of the International Programs of the Illinois Fire Service Institute, was selected as the recipient of the 2021-2022 CALA Outstanding Library Leadership Award in Memory of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung.

From the CALA Best Service Subcommittee announcement, “Dr. Ruan has been dedicated to Chinese-American librarianship throughout her career. She has committed to the growth and integrity of CALA as a strong ethnic professional association through her outstanding leadership, passionate activism, and professional involvement. Out of her many contributions, below are listed her major accomplishments during her tenure as CALA Vice-President, President, and Executive Director.

“Dr. Lian has been an outstanding leader and played many leadership roles in organizations both nationally and locally. She has chaired many committees and taken numerous key member positions since she entered the profession.

“Of particular note are Dr. Ruan’s prolific publications, numerous presentations, dedicated research and teaching endeavors and community services that recapitulate her contributions to Chinese-American Librarianship, cultural diversity and continuing education. As a dedicated library professional, Dr. Ruan has worked on many grants and obtained over 20 grant awards with a total amount over three hundred sixty nine thousand dollars. Dr. Ruan has been recognized both nationally and internationally and received 23 awards and honors for her commitment to excellence in the profession, including the 2017 Illinois Academic Librarian of the year Award, the 2015-2017 National Medal finalists for Museum and Library Service and 2021 CALA President Recognition Award.”

Read more about the CALA Outstanding Library Leadership Award in Memory of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung at

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