As a companion to our previous post, we present some of the publications our Library faculty and academic professionals have published this past summer. Peruse the selected bibliography we have provided below to learn more about these topics.
(Links to OA journal access, the DOI for individual articles, or the catalog record are provided when available.)
- Akers, K. G., JJ Pionke, Ellen M. Aaronson, Thane Chambers, John W. Cyrus, Erin R.B. Eldermire, and Melanie J. Norton. “Racial, gender, sexual, and disability identities of the Journal of the Medical Library Association’s editorial board, reviewers, and authors.” Journal of the Medical Library Association, Vol. 109, no.2, pp. 167-173.
- Anderson, Bethany G. “On Constructing a Scientific Archives Network: Exploring Computational Approaches to the Cybernetics Thought Collective.” Archivaria, Vol. 91, June 2021, pp. 104-147,
- —. “Reviewing the Past.” American Archivist, Vol. 84, no. 1, pp.189-190.
- Benson, Sara R. Compact Copyright: Quick Answers to Common Questions. ALA Editions, 2021.
- Coker, Cait. “‘I Killed Hitler’: American Exceptionalism and Triumphalism in Supernatural.” In: A Supernatural Politics: Essays on Social Engagement, Fandom and the Series. Ed. Lisa Macklem and Dominick Grace. McFarland & Company, Inc., 2021. pp. 28-40.
- —. “Pressed and Stitched: Empirical Bibliography and the Gendering of Books and Book History.” Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 167-175, Spring 2021. Special Issue on Women in Book History, 1660-1830, edited by Betty A. Schellenberg and Michelle Levy.
- —.; Davis, L.; and King, R.S., “Response 5: Minding the Gap(s).” Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 203-204, Spring 2021. Special Issue on Women in Book History, 1660-1830, edited by Betty A. Schellenberg and Michelle Levy.
- Fallaw, Colleen, Genevieve Schmitt, Hoa Luong, Jason Colwell, and Jason Strutz. “Institutional Data Repository Development, a Moving Target.” Code4Lib Journal, issue 51, June 14, 2021.
- Imker, Heidi J., Hoa Luong, William H. Mischo, Mary C. Schlembach, and Chris Wiley. “An examination of data reuse practices within highly cited articles of faculty at a research university.” Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 47, issue. 4, July 2021.
- Keralis, Spencer D. C., Courtney E. Jacobs, and Matthew W. Johnson, “Collaborative Digital Projects in the Undergraduate Humanities Classroom: Case Studies with TimelineJS.” The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, Issue 19, May 2021.
- Mathews, Emilee, “Representational Belonging in Collections: A Comparative Study of Leading Trade Publications in Architecture.” Library Resources and Technical Services, vol. 65, no. 3, 2021, pp. 101–117.
- Moll, Melissa and Shelby Strommer. “Up, Down, and Sideways: Multidirectional Communication within a Multifaceted Technical Services Project.” Telling the Technical Services Story: Communicating Value, Ed.s Kimberley A. Edwards and Tricia Mackenzie, ALA Editions, 2021, pp. 49-64.
- Pionke, JJ. “A secondary analysis of the library profession’s self-reported competence and comfort in working with patrons with disabilities.” Library Management, vol. 42 no. 6/7, pp. 409-420, March 9, 2021.
- Proulx, F., Szylowicz, C., & Baytaş, C. (Accepted/In press). Vingt lettres à Louis d’Albufera. Bulletin d’informations proustiennes, 51, 9-32.
- Roberts, Matthew. “What Do We Teach When We Teach Harold Pinter.” The Harold Pinter Review, vol. 5, May 2021, pp.121-141.
- Saunders, Laura, Melissa Wong, Daniel G. Tracy, and Rebecca N. Graham. “From Proposal to Publication: Creating Open Access Monographs & Textbooks.” ALA Annual Conference, Virtual, June 23-29.
- Sotomayor, Antonio. “Dispensa, endogamia y milicia: Reconstruyendo la genealogía de algunas familias de Aguada, Puerto Rico. Siglos XVII y XVIII.” Hereditas: Revista de Genealogía Puertorriqueña, vol. 22, no. 1, 2021.
- Witt, Steven W. “Publishing in IFLA Journal: Balancing between the global and the local. IFLA Journal, vol. 47, issue 2, June 2021, pp. 117-118.doi:10.1177/03400352211020871.