This past summer, our Library faculty, and academic professionals presented on a wide variety of topics. As always, we congratulate our researchers on their important contributions to the University of Illinois, the Library and Information Science department and other disciplines. A selected bibliography of these presentations is provided below.
- Coker, Cait. “The Resurgence of Print Culture in Fandom.” Popular Culture Association/ American Culture Association Annual Conference. Virtual. June 4, 2021.
- Fry, Amy, Jamie Gieseck-Ashworth, Carol Seiler. “Loving Statistics and Excel Fuzzy Lookup in the time of COVID-19.” NASIG Annual Conference. Virtual. May 17-21, 2021.
- Keralis, Spencer D. C. “The Vanity of Systems: Mutual Aid and the Digital Humanities Economy.“ A Political Economy of the Digital Humanities: New Directions Roundtable. Association for Computers in Humanities (ACH). July 22, 2021.
- —. “A Media Archaeology of DIY Queer Comics” Spatial Disruptions: Comics Studies as Book History Roundtable. Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP). July 29, 2021.
- —. “Digital Interventions in Comics Studies Communities.” Thinking Beyond Collections: Academic Librarians as Partners in Building Communities of Comics ScholAntars Roundtable. Comics Studies Society (CSS). August 6, 2021.
- Mischo, William H., Michael A. Norman, Mary C. Schlembach, and Jason Heldreth, “Bento-Style Discovery and Delivery Systems: Features and Advantages”, Lightning Talk at the American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Libraries Division, Virtual Annual Conference, July 26, 2021.
- — and Elisandro Cabada, “IDEA (Innovation, Discovery, DEsign, and DAta) Laboratory at the Grainger Engineering Library Information Center”, Lightning Talk at the American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Libraries Division, Virtual Annual Conference, July 26, 2021.
- —. Timothy W. Cole, and M. J. Han, “Linked Open Data: History, Context, Applications (Data is What Really Counts)”, presentation at the IDEA AI Institute IMLS Grant Workshop, University of Tennessee, July 14, 2021.
- —. Michael A. Norman, Mary C. Schlembach, and Jason Heldreth, “AI and Algorithmic Processing in Discovery and Delivery Systems”, presentation at the IDEA AI Institute IMLS Grant Workshop, University of Tennessee, July 11, 2021.
- — and Elisandro Cabada, “Machine Learning for Text with Topic Modeling and Clustering”, presentation at the IDEA AI Institute IMLS Grant Workshop, University of Tennessee, July 14, 2021.
- Rimkus, Jameatris and, Cara Bertram. “Accessing Restricted Records While Protecting Personal Data: An Ethical Balancing Act,” International Council on Archives-Section on University and Research Institution Archives Annual Conference. Virtual. July 29, 2021.
- Sotomayor, Antonio. “La Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes y la política de la religión y los deportes a principios del siglo XX.” Crisis global, desigualdades y centralidad de la vida. XXXIX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Virtual. May 27, 2021.
- —. “Between the Press and Performance: Sport and National Identity in Puerto Rico.” From hojas volantes to Podcasts: News from Latin America and the Caribbean. 66th Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials. Virtual. July 21, 2021.