This spring library faculty were busy presenting at conferences worldwide. A selection of presentations submitted to the blog follows. If you would like your presentation added to the list, please e-mail Dan Tracy, LIS and Research Support Librarian.
- Allison, Melody. “The Social Entrepreneur.” Presented at 2013 Conference for Entrepreneurship in Action. University of North Carolina-Greensboro, May 16, 2013.
- Emanuel, Jenny, and Charlotte Roh. “Studying Practicing Researchers: How Research within Scientific Industry can Impact and Influence Information Literacy among Students in Stem Departments.” Presented at Association of College and Research Libraries Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, April 10-13, 2013.
- Green, Harriett E.“Let the Right Ones In: The Role of Libraries in Building Humanities Collaboratories for the Digital Age.” Keynote presented at British Modernities Group conference, “Digital Humanities: Literary Studies and Information Science,” Urbana, IL, March, 8, 2013.
- Green, Harriett E.“Virtual Verse in the Library: Surveying the E-Poetry Landscape.” Poster presented at Association of College and Research Libraries Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, April 10–13, 2013.
- Green, Harriett E.“Clusters of Books: Subject Analysis Tools for Library Catalogs.” Cyber Zed Shed Presentation at Association of College and Research Libraries Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, April 10–13, 2013.
- Grennan, Rory and Ryan Edge. “Vintage Voices: Transcription Discs in the University Archives.” Presented at 2013 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Archives Association, Indianapolis, April 18-20, 2013.
- Harris, Joshua, Margaret Elen Deming, and Ilona Matkoyszki. “Institutional Archives: Strategic Preservation.” Presented at 2013 Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, University of Texas-Austin, March 28, 2013.
- Harris, Joshua. “The University of Illinois Campus Media Census.” Presented at the Indiana University CIC Media Preservation Conference, Indiana University Bloomington, April 16, 2013.
- Harris, Joshua, Mike Casey, and Chris Lacinek. “The National Recording Preservation Plan: Inventory, Census and Prioritization of Media Collections.” Presented at Association of Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) 47th Annual Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, May 16, 2013.
- Hinchliffe, Lisa Janicke. “Collaborative Assessment.” Presented at ACRL Assessment Discussion Group Program, American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Seattle, January 26, 2013.
- Hinchliffe, Lisa Janicke, Amy Harris, and Meredith Farkas. “Creating a Culture of Assessment: Determinants of Success.” Presented at Association of College and Research Libraries Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, April 10-13, 2013.
- Hogenboom, Karen, and Thomas H. Teper. “Like Peeling an Onion: Adding Small Data Sets to Library Collections.” Poster presented at Association of College and Research Libraries Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, April 10-13, 2013.
- Hogenboom, Karen, Michael Elliot, Cynthia Hudson, Jennifer Moore, and Chris Freeland. “Data Curation in Libraries.” Presented at Missouri GIS Conference, Chesterfield, MO, February 20, 2013.
- Hotchkiss, Valerie. “The Book is Dead / Long Live the Book! Opportunities and Challenges for Special Collections in Early Decades of the 21st Century.” Presented at Fisher Library, University of Toronto, February, 2013.
- Kaufman, Paula. “Lib-Value: Can We Determine the Value of Academic Libraries?” Presented at Texas Library Association, Ft. Worth, Texas, April 25, 2013.
- Laskowski, Mary S. and Jennifer A. Maddox Abbott. “So Many Projects, So Few Resources: Getting More Bang for Your Buck in Technical Services.” Poster presented at Association of College and Research Libraries Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, April 10-13, 2013.
- Lenkart, Joe, Thomas H. Teper, Mara Thacker, and Steve Witt. “The Strength of Libraries: Measuring the Impact of Area Studies Library Collections and Services on International and Area Studies Programs.” Presented at the 2013 NRC Conference: Demonstrating the Impact of National Resource Centers, The Ohio State University, Columbus, February 27-28, 2013.
- Mestre, Lori S., and Eric Kurt. “Media Commons: Envisioning centralized technology spaces.” Presented at Educause Midwest Regional Conference: Collaborating for the Future…Now! Chicago, March 19, 2013.
- Popp, Tracy, Sarah L. Shreeves, and Jared Lyle. “Reformatting, Appraising and Selecting Content Extracted from Obsolete Removable Digital Media.” Poster presented at International Digital Curation Conference 2013, Amsterdam, January. 14-17, 2013.
- Shreeves, Sarah L. “Supplemental Files in Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Implications for Policy and Practice.” Poster presented at International Digital Curation Conference 2013, Amsterdam, January 14-17, 2013.
- Thacker, Mara. “Keeping it Glocal: Best Practices for International Outreach in Academic Libraries.” Invited presentation at Jawaharlal Nehru University Library, New Delhi, India, February 11, 2013.