Selected University Library faculty publications

Publications listed in LISA and LISTA
January  – June 2012

Ewing, C. B. 2012. “Electronic Literature Collection.” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 49 (8): 1435-1435.

Jacoby, JoAnn and Liz Cooper. 2012.  “The cultural context in sustainable development:  Approaches to support the 4th pillar.”  In Amoeda, R., Lira, S and Pinheiro, C. (Eds.)  Heritage 2012: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development.  Barcelos, Portugal:  Green Lines Institute, pp. 1209-1218.Joseph, Lura E. 2012. “Improving the Quality of Online Journals: Follow-Up Study of Elsevier’s Backfiles Image Rescanning Project.” Library Collections, Acquisitions, & Technical Services 36 (1): 18-23.

Kaufman, Paula. 2012. “Let’s Get Cozy: Evolving Collaborations in the 21st Century.” Journal of Library Administration 52 (1): 53-69.

Mestre, Lori S. 2012. “Student Preference for Tutorial Design: A Usability Study.” Reference Services Review 40 (2): 258-276.

Romero, L. 2012. “From the Editor.” Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian 31 (1): 1-2.

Searing, Susan E. 2012. “Women in the White City: Lessons from the Woman’s Building Library at the Chicago World’s Fair.” American Libraries 43 (3-4): 44-45, 47.

Wiley, Lynn and Elizabeth Clarage. 2012. “Building on Success: Evolving Local and Consortium Purchase-on-Demand Programs.” Interlending & Document Supply 40 (2): 105-110.


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