Feng Liang : liangf AT illinois DOT edu
Office: 113D Illini Hall
Phone: 217-333-6017
Office hour: TBA
- “A Modern Approach to Regression with R“, by Simon J. Sheather. You can download this book (pdf) from our library.
- “Linear Models with R” (2nd edition) by Julian Faraway. An earlier version of this book, “Practical Regression and Anova Using R”, as well as other related documentations, can be downloaded here.
TR, 9:30-10:50AM, Gregory Hall 319
- Class page:
- Singup link:
There will be two Midterm Exams. Each midterm will take in the evening outside of regular class time.
- Exam I (Wed Oct 11, 7-8:30pm, room TBA)
- Exam II (Wed Nov 29, 7-8:30pm, room TBA)
Students who must miss a scheduled exams for any reason (athletic, religious, personal, etc.) should contact the instructor on or before the day of the exam. All excuses must be verifiable. A conflict exam, which will be cumulative, will be given near the very end of the semester as a replacement for a missed exam that was due to a verifiable excuse. The date will be announced later.
Take-home Quizzes
There will be roughly 10 take-home quizzes. Quizzes will be posted on Compass by Saturday (students will be notified via email) and due Monday @ midnight. For each quiz, students are given up to three attempts and the highest score counts.
The score for each quiz may vary depending on how many problems a quiz has. Your total score for quiz will be a simple (un-weighted) summation of your scores for all quizzes.
Late quizzes will not be accepted; no score will be dropped. You shall get 100% for quiz if you finish no less than 85% of them: suppose the total score for quizzes is 120 and yours is 100, then your final score (out of 100) for quiz will be calculated as follows: 100 x min(100/(120 x 0.85), 1) = 98.
You can discuss quiz problems with other students but should finish your quizzes independently. Copying solutions from another student is cheating and plagiarism, and is a violation of Academic Integrity.
- 25% Quizzes
- 25% Exam I
- 25% Exam II
- 25% Project
The grading scale will be ROUGHLY as follows:
- 90 -100% A
- 80 – 90% B
- 70 – 80% C
- 60 – 70% D
Computing with R
- The official intro, “An Introduction to R“.
- Code School – Try R
- “Introduction to R” (105-page PDF)
- “simpleR” (PDF) by John Verzani.
- “The R Inferno” (PDF) by Patrick Burns
- “R Fundamentals and Programming Techniques” (PDF) by Thomas Lumley
- The R Markdown Cheat Sheet (PDF)
- The ggplot2 Cheat Sheet (PDF)
- Some R tutorial videos
- R Class Notes: Introducing R
- Resources to help you learn and use R at UCLA