STAT 425: Applied Regression and Design


Feng Liang : liangf AT illinois DOT edu
Office: 113D Illini Hall
Phone: 217-333-6017
Office hour: TBA



TR, 9:30-10:50AM, Gregory Hall 319



There will be two Midterm Exams. Each midterm will take in the evening outside of regular class time.

  • Exam I (Wed Oct 11, 7-8:30pm, room TBA)
  • Exam II (Wed Nov 29, 7-8:30pm, room TBA)

Students who must miss a scheduled exams for any reason (athletic, religious, personal, etc.) should contact the instructor on or before the day of the exam. All excuses must be verifiable. A conflict exam, which will be cumulative, will be given near the very end of the semester as a replacement for a missed exam that was due to a verifiable excuse. The date will be announced later.

Take-home Quizzes

There will be roughly 10 take-home quizzes. Quizzes will be posted on Compass by Saturday (students will be notified via email) and due Monday @ midnight. For each quiz, students are given up to three attempts and the highest score counts.

The score for each quiz may vary depending on how many problems a quiz has. Your total score for quiz will be a simple (un-weighted) summation of your scores for all quizzes.

Late quizzes will not be accepted; no score will be dropped. You shall get 100% for quiz if you finish no less than 85% of them: suppose the total score for quizzes is 120 and yours is 100, then your final score (out of 100) for quiz will be calculated as follows: 100 x min(100/(120 x 0.85), 1) = 98.

You can discuss quiz problems with other students but should finish your quizzes independently. Copying solutions from another student is cheating and plagiarism, and is a violation of Academic Integrity.


  • 25% Quizzes
  • 25% Exam I
  • 25% Exam II
  • 25% Project

The grading scale will be ROUGHLY as follows:

  • 90 -100% A
  • 80 – 90% B
  • 70 – 80% C
  • 60 – 70% D

Computing with R