Please check our piazza page for details!
Feng Liang : liangf AT illinois DOT edu
Office: Illini Hall
Phone: (217) 333-6017
Office hour: Thursday, noon-1pm or by appointment; check our piazza page for OHs offered by the other STAT 410 instructors/TAs.
Tue/Thur, 2:00-3:20PM, Digital Computer Laboratory 1310
The first lecture is on Tuesday, August 23, 2016.
Course Description
Continuation of STAT 400. Includes moment-generating functions, transformations
of random variables, normal sampling theory, sufficiency, best estimators, maximum
likelihood estimators, confidence intervals, most powerful tests, unbiased tests, and chi-square tests.
Note: Credit is not given for both STAT 410 and STAT 409.
Three undergraduate hours; Four graduate hours. Prerequisite: STAT 400; or STAT 100 and MATH 461.