Facilitators and Barriers for using a Digital Medication Self-management System 2.0

About this project

Welcome to our dedicated research team under the leadership of Dr. Raksha Mudar, from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign College of Applied Health Sciences and Dr. Kathleen Insel from the University of Arizona College of Nursing.

We are embarking on a groundbreaking study focusing on older adults with memory challenges, who may face challenges with consistent medication taking.

How to Participate

Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign are exploring how to help older adults with memory issues and hypertension, be consistent in taking their hypertension medication. If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulty with thinking, memory, or concentration, we would like to learn from these experiences to develop, as well as test solutions. Please scan the QR code to get started.

Participants must be over 60 and have:

  • Have experienced recent changes in thinking, memory, or concentration, or have a
    diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment
  • Have a mobile device (Android and Iphone)
  • Hypertension

Participants are NOT eligible if they:

  • Have a history of significant psychological illness
  • Have a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or other dementia

Who to contact


Recruitment Materials

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