PhD student Liu and Dr. Kontou publish transportation energy vulnerability paper!

Additive and Multiplicative Transportation Energy Vulnerability

Transportation energy vulnerability is amplified as gas prices rise. PhD student Shanshan (Shirley) Liu and Dr. Kontou measure exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity to transportation energy burden and provide composite scores of transportation energy vulnerability in the US in our new Sustainable Cities and Society open-access paper

A greater share of electric vehicle adoption and use can lower census tracts’ transportation energy vulnerability scores and reduce spatial disparities. Due to unavailable or underfunded transit systems, adaptive capacity cannot discount exposure and sensitivity to transportation energy burden.

New publication on willingness to pay for public EV charging

Willingness to pay for EV chargers varies by vehicle range (Greene, Kontou, et al. 2020)

Our paper on willingness to pay (WTP) for electric vehicle public charging infrastructure appeared at the Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment journal. We construct three WTP functions that describe the maximum amount that potential users of charging infrastructure are willing to pay to access the current level of charging availability. We determine functions that describe WTP for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle drivers, and battery electric vehicle drivers for inter-regional & intra-regional travel. A numerical experiment leveraging data from the State of California demonstrates that existing public charging infrastructure worths $1,500 for the average intra-regional battery electric vehicle driver and is valued at over $6,500 along intercity routes! More info here.