Dr. Kontou commented on the need for smart charging management and equitable access to recharging infrastructure in a WIRED article on the Biden’s administration’s plan to increase the number of electric cars on the road. Please find the article here: https://www.wired.com/story/biden-wants-more-evs-charging-stations/.
Tag: charging infrastructure
EV charging infrastructure roadmap project, funded by IDOT!
Excited to announce that our research group received funding ($238,415) by the Illinois Department of Transportation to conduct research on our state’s EV charging infrastructure deployment needs. Our research will identify the electrification pathways to meet 2035 greenhouse gas reduction goals for Illinois, and have a detailed plan in place for vehicle electrification charging requirements. The optimal charging infrastructure investment allocation and placement in the Illinois highway network will be presented. Our work will provide Illinois Department of Transportation with a model and report that will enable quantification of the number and the highway location of electric vehicles charging stations deployed to meet the 2035 EV travel demand. The report will quantify electrified miles traveled, environmental externalities (carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions) reduction benefits, as well as the capital and operational costs of deployment of the recommended level and numbers of charging. More info here: https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/65679#tabs-2.
New publication on willingness to pay for public EV charging
Our paper on willingness to pay (WTP) for electric vehicle public charging infrastructure appeared at the Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment journal. We construct three WTP functions that describe the maximum amount that potential users of charging infrastructure are willing to pay to access the current level of charging availability. We determine functions that describe WTP for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle drivers, and battery electric vehicle drivers for inter-regional & intra-regional travel. A numerical experiment leveraging data from the State of California demonstrates that existing public charging infrastructure worths $1,500 for the average intra-regional battery electric vehicle driver and is valued at over $6,500 along intercity routes! More info here.