MSc student Wu and Dr. Kontou publish electric vehicle incentives design paper!

Yen-Chu Wu and Prof. Kontou outside of Newmark Civil Engineering Lab at the University of Illinois.
Celebrating Wu’s upcoming graduation this August. Yen-Chu will join MIT’s CEE this fall to pursue her PhD degree.

Masters of Science student at CEE UIUC, Yen-Chu Wu, is the leading author of a paper that was recently published in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment focusing on designing and allocating rebates and charging infrastructure investments to induce electric vehicle adoption and achieve emission reduction targets. The analysis indicates that rebates should be provided earlier than chargers due to neighborhood effects of electric vehicle adoption and the minimization of expenditure; availability of home charging influences consumers’ choice and the drivers electrified travel distance; rebates are more effective for modest drivers while charging stations should be prioritized for frequent drivers; network externalities should be further investigated because of their impact on electric vehicle demand. Find the publication, openly accessible, here: