June 2022
Congratulations to Eileen for receiving the Biomedical Engineering Division Student Award at ASEE!
Our team attended the ASEE conference. Congratulations on great presentations and workshops by Joe, Eileen, Isabel, Deepthi, Sara, and Evan!
Abhishek and Eileen featured in IGB article about their recent paper
May 2022
Congratulations graduates Evan Ko (BS in BIOE) and Isabel Miller (MS in BIOE)!
Congratulations to Isabel Miller for being recognized with the BIOE Teaching Excellence Fellowship!
April 2022
Congratulations to Eileen Johnson on her Rackham Fellowship award!
Congratulations to Isabel Miller for her NSF GRFP award!
March 2022
New paper: Development and Implementation of a Remote Enzyme Kinetics Laboratory Exercise
Karin presents seminar at UNH Department of Mechanical Engineering
January 2022
New paper: Development and Implementation of a Biometrics Device Design Project in an Introductory BME Course to Support Student Wellness
November 2021
Eileen presents her work developing ways to engage remote students in lab courses at the AE3 Lightning Symposium
October 2021
Karin presents at the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)
September 2021
Karin presents “Adapting a Cell and Tissue Engineering Lab Course to an Online Format” to the Grainger College of Engineering Lab and Design Instructor Community of Practice
Undergraduate researcher Varshini Murugesh joins the lab. Welcome, Varshini!
August 2021
Karin presents at the Campus Instructional Facility Symposium about using active learning classrooms in BIOE360
Danowitz, Jensen, Miller, and Wilson present “Promoting Mental Health and Wellness in Undergraduate Students” in the zyBooks fall webinar series
July 2021
Golecki and Jensen awarded NSF RIEF grant
New paper: Laboratory Exercise to Measure Plasmid Copy Number by qPCR
Our team presented at the ASEE virtual conference this week. Congrats to Joe, Andrea, Mia, Sara, Eileen, Abhishek, Mona, Thomas, and Isabel on great papers and presentations!
EER PERT team paper recognized as Best Paper in the New Engineering Educators Division at ASEE
Isabel awarded the Biomedical Engineering Division Student travel award at ASEE. Congrats, Isabel!
Eileen awarded the Bioengineering Teaching Excellence Fellowship. Congrats, Eileen!
June 2021
Karin recognized as a University Distinguished Teacher-Scholar
New guest editorial: The Time is Now to Build a Culture of Wellness in Engineering published in Studies in Engineering Education
Research associate Eileen Johnson joins the lab. Welcome, Eileen!
Mona and Abhishek’s JMBE paper featured in IGB news
New paper in JMBE special issue: Remote Laboratory Exercise to Develop Micropipetting Skills
May 2021
Golecki and Jensen receive PITA grant
Celebrating Mia and Tom’s Knights of St. Patrick awards
New paper: Engineering stress culture: Relationships among mental health, engineering identity, and sense of inclusion
April 2021
Karin recognized as a Honorary Knight for the Grainger College of Engineering
New paper: A Scoping Literature Review of Engineering Thriving to Redefine Student Success
Karin presents at the Society for Biomaterials virtual meeting panel
New project on inclusive language funded by the IDEA institute and led by Prof. Tiffani Williams
Karin named Laura Hahn Faculty Fellow
March 2021
New NSF Funding: Understanding STEM Doctoral Student Anxiety
Danowitz, Jensen, Wilson, Miller, and Wright present a workshop on promoting mental health and wellness as part of ASEE CDEI Focus Fridays
January 2021
Undergraduate researcher Aidan Rogers joins the Jensen Lab. Welcome, Aidan!
December 2020
Jensen, Direito, Polmear, Hattingh, and Klassen publish a guest editorial in Journal of Engineering Education
Isabel’s paper on mindfulness in an online engineering course is published in the Advances in Engineering Education special issue
November 2020
Danowitz, Jensen, Wilson, Miller, and Wright present a workshop on promoting mental health and wellness at AIChE conference
October 2020
Ben and Faisal’s work on virtual lab practicals for BIOE202 is featured by the U of I News Bureau
Jensen group members present three posters at the virtual BMES meeting
Jensen, Cross, Martin, Mirabelli, and Barlow present the workshop “Pathways into Engineering Education Research” at the Frontiers in Education meeting
September 2020
Undergraduate researcher Hannah Chiou joins the Jensen Lab. Welcome, Hannah!
August 2020
Jensen awarded Amy L. Devine award
Ben and Faisal’s paper on virtual cell culture practicals published in Biomedical Engineering Education
Jensen and Martin receive new NSF grant to support the RIEF program
Undergraduate researcher Mona Jawad joins the Jensen Lab. Welcome, Mona!
Undergraduate researcher Thomas Romanchek joins the Jensen Lab. Welcome, Thomas!
Undergraduate researcher Sara Vohra joins the Jensen Lab. Welcome, Sara!
Undergraduate researcher Abhishek Bhattacharjee joins the Jensen Lab. Welcome, Abhishek!
Benson, Lichtenstein, Jensen, and Bates awarded NSF EAGER grant
July 2020
Jensen, Goldstein, Golecki, and Helmke presented “Promoting Student Wellness in the Online Classroom” as part of the ASEE CDEI summer workshop series
June 2020
Our group presented at the virtual ASEE conference. Congratulations on great papers and sessions, Joe, Andrea, and Mia!
May 2020
ASEE-SEFI Joint Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Jensen and Golecki awarded Faculty Retreat Grant to expand biometric student design project in intro bioengineering course
Undergraduate researcher Isabel Miller joins the Jensen Lab. Welcome, Isabel!
Jensen awarded ASEE Biomedical Engineering Teaching award
April 2020
Ben and Faisal’s work to create virtual labs featured in BIOE news
January 2020
Joe Mirabelli earns NAGAP research grant. Congrats, Joe!
December 2019
Jensen receives CAREER Award to address undergrad mental health
October 2019
New paper: Laboratory Exercise to Measure Restriction Enzyme Kinetics
July 2019
New NSF grant to study how UG female engineering students specialize in their majors, a collaboration with Prof. Teresa Cardador
WYSE Discover Bioengineering Camp at UIUC
Karin visits UMass Lowell for her seminar “Engineering Education at Scale: Labs, active learning, and culture”
June 2019