3rd JLESC Workshop, Jun 29 – Jul 1, Barcelona

June 29- July 1, 2015
Barcelona, Spain

The workshop will take place at Barcelona, will gather top researchers in HPC from INRIA, the University of Illinois, Argonne National Laboratory, Barcelona Supercomuting Center, Julisch Supercomputing Center and Riken AICS to explore research problems related to post Petascale / Exascale Supercomputers and present early results of their joint work.

The workshop will feature technical sessions on five main topics: Application and Numerical libraries; Parallel Programming, runtime and tools; Resilience; Big Data, I/O and visualization; Cloud for HPC.

The workshop will present an exceptional program with papers accepted or submitted to top level conferences.

A key objective of the workshop is to identify new research collaborations and establish a roadmap for their implementation.

The workshop is open to Illinois, INRIA, ANL, BSC, JSC and Riken AICS faculties, researchers, engineers and students who want to learn more about Post Petascale / Exascale Computing.

Workshop program:

The plenary session will present 3 keynotes, each from a different region (America, Europe, Asia) on critical issues for Extreme Scale Computing and Data Analytics.

The parallel sessions will cover the following topics:
-Mini apps, Benchmarking, modeling
-Programming models
-Performance tools
-I/O, storage, Big data
-in-situ data analytics, visualization
-Numerical Methods/Algorithms.
-Cloud for HPC

 Workshop venue:

The workshop will take place in the Barcelo Sant hotel.
The lodging for the workshop will also be at the Barcelo Sant hotel (Do not contact the hotel to book your room, just mention your check-in and check-out date in the workshop registration page)