Sexual Assault on College Campuses



College is back in session and police say students will want to watch themselves and their surroundings. According to UIUC campus police, the first six weeks back at school is known as a “red zone” for sexual Assault crimes. According to American Association of University Women roughly one-in-five women and one-in-16 men will experience or attempt sexual assault in their college careers. UIUC offers Safe Rides and Safe Walks for students to get back to their homes safely. In addition, Rape Aggression Defense… or RAD… classes are available to help raise awareness and preventions, which teach women self- defense mechanisms for sexual assault crimes.

You can visit the newly launched sexual assault website at for more information on ways to take caution to sexual assault crimes.

Bernie Sanders, Student Debt and His Free Public College Education Plan



Student loan debt continues to rise for students at the University of Illinois. However tuition may become free for them nationally, if one 2016 presidential candidate gets his way.

Senator Bernie Sanders, democratic candidate for the 2016 presidency, has introduced a bill to make college tuition free for all students by taxing Wall Street.

Sander’s strong stance on student debt reform is appealing to Millenials who are feeling the burn. Illini 4 Bernie is an RSO that continues to grow in popularity on campus. With one point one trillion dollars of student debt accumulated, it’s clear why some students support Sander’s free public college education plan.