Tech Tip of the Week: Zoom Documentation

If you haven’t experienced Zoom yet, you will soon!

Zoom is used at the iSchool for classes and meetings. If you have never used Zoom before, if you have a question, or are looking for a refresher then the iSchool Wiki is the place you want to be.

You can find Zoom information (with screenshots!) on the iSchool Wiki here.

And as always you can ask the Help Desk if you have any questions or concerns about Zoom! We are currently working remotely, but you can still reach us at 217-244-4903 or 800-377-1892,, and on our TechChat.

Tech Tip of the Week: Editing a Zoom Meeting on Moodle

If you scheduled a Zoom meeting but forgot to change a setting or simply need to edit the meeting, don’t fret!

If you schedule the Zoom meeting through Moodle you will be able to click on the name of the meeting:

Screenshot of Moodle Zoom Module with link to meeting settings (name of meeting) circled

Scroll to the bottom and you will find an option to edit the meeting:

Screenshot of Moodle Zoom Module Meeting settings with edit button at bottom circled

You can then edit the meeting as you wish before saving:

Screenshot of Moodle Zoom Module meeting settings with save button circled

If you edit a recurring meeting, the change will apply to all future meetings as well.

Tech Tip: Are you ready for Zoom?

Have you heard? The majority of our online classes are making the switch to Zoom. If you are feeling nervous about Zoom, don’t worry! The Help Desk is here to help.

We will be holding a series of workshops tailored just for student’s needs.

Tuesday 1/7 11:00am
Tuesday 1/7 6:00pm
Thursday 1/9 7:00pm
Monday 1/13 6:00pm
Wednesday 1/15 1:00pm
Wednesday 1/15 7:00pm
Friday 1/17 12:00pm

Join the Zoom room here.

We hope to see you there!

Tech Tip of the Week: Zoom for Meetings

Most classes will be switching to using a new video conferencing and collaboration services called Zoom next semester.
But students, staff, and faculty can also use Zoom for meetings or group work as well!

If you go to you have the option to host a meeting, which will allow you to invite others by sharing the Meeting ID, sending an email invite, or calling the person you wish to add to the meeting. Also at, you have the option to join a meeting if you have been given a Meeting ID.

You can learn more about Zoom here.