For those interested in learning more about this area of research, we’ve compiled a list of deliverables that involve the members of our team. The list below includes: 1) peer-reviewed publications that have, or will soon be, published in scientific journal outlets, 2) non-peer-reviewed publications such as technical reports, policy briefs, and fact sheets, 3) newsletters that are periodically circulated with residents from the Denali Region who have participated in our study, and 4) a decision support tool to assess residents’ preferences for hypothetical future management scenarios in the Denali region.
Inclusive conservation around Denali
Andrade, R., van Riper C.J., Goodson, D., Johnson, D.N., Stewart, W. Evaluating the effects of diverse learning sources on pro-environmental behavior. (in prep). Target Journal: Conservation Biology. (Abstract PDF)
Andrade, R., van Riper, C.J., Goodson, D., Johnson, D.N., Stewart, W., López-Rodríguez, M., Cebrián-Piquera, M.A., Horcea-Milcu, A.I., Lo, V.B., Raymond, C. (in prep). Multi-level value deliberation for protected area management in an online forum. Target Journal: Global Environmental Change. (Abstract PDF)
Cebrián-Piqueras, M.A., Filyushkina, A., Johnson, D.N., Lo, V.B., López-Rodríguez, M.D., March, H., Oteros-Rozas, E., Peppler-Lisbach, C., Quintas-Soriano, C., Raymond, C.M., Ruíz-Mallén, I., van Riper, C.J., Zinngrebe, Y., & Plieninger, T. (2020). Scientific and local ecological knowledge, shaping perceptions towards protected areas and related ecosystem services. Landscape Ecology, 35, 2549-2567. (PDF)
Goodson, D. J., Van Riper, C. J., Andrade, R., Cebrián-Piquera, M. A. & Hauber, M. E (In press). Evaluating levels of perceived inclusivity and trust among stakeholders in Alaska. Target Journal: People in Nature. (Abstract PDF)
Johnson, D.N., van Riper, C.J. (in prep). Assessing preferences for climate change adaptation in Denali, Alaska using a stated choice analysis. Target Journal: Global Environmental Change. (Abstract PDF)
Johnson, D.N., van Riper C.J., Stewart, W.P., Metzger, M.J., Oteros-Rosas, E., Ruiz-Mallen, I. (in review). Elucidating social-ecological perceptions of a protected area system in Interior Alaska: A fuzzy cognitive mapping approach. Ecology & Society. (Abstract PDF)
López-Rodríguez, M. D., Ruiz-Mallén, I., Oteros-Rozas, E., March, H., Keller, R., Lo, V. B., … & Andrade, R. (2020). Delineating participation in conservation governance: Insights from the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park (Spain). Environmental Science & Policy, 114, 486-496. (PDF)
Raymond, C.M., Cebrián-Piqueras, M., Andersson, E., Andrade, R., Arroyo Schnell, A., Battioni Romanelli, B., Filyushkina, A., Goodson, D., Johnson, D.N., Keller, R., Kuiper, J., Lo, V., March, H., Metzger, M., Horcea-Milcu, A., Oteros-Rozas, E., López-Rodríguez Rozas, M., Salcido, E., Sellber, M., Stewart, W., Ruiz- Mallén, Plieninger, T., van Riper, C.J., Verberg, P., & Wiedermann, M. (in review). Inclusive conservation and the post-2020 global biodiversity framework: Tensions and prospects. Target journal: One Earth.
Salcido, E.L., van Riper, C.J., Stewart, W.P., Raymond, C. (in prep). The role of wildlife in developing place meanings. Target Journal: Society and Natural Resources. (Abstract PDF)
Andrade, R., van Riper, C. J., Stewart, W., Johnson, D., Goodson, D., Salcido, E., Keller, R., & Johnson, E. (2021). Inclusive conservation through social learning in Alaska protected areas. PANORAMA. Solutions for a healthy planet. Web page:
Johnson, D.N., & van Riper, C.J. (2021). A social-ecological inventory of the region surrounding Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska. ENVISION Deliverable D3.2., 21 pages. DOI:
van Riper, C.J., Stewart, W., Andrade, R., Johnson, D., Salcido, E., Goodson, D., Colianni, R., Johnson, E., Craver, A., Keller, R., Battioni, B., Arroyo Schnell, A., & Reynolds, D. (2021). ENVISION Factsheet: Promoting inclusive conservation in protected areas. DOI:
Andrade, R., Johnson, D., Salcido, E., Goodson, D., Rowe, G., Colianni, R., Johnson, E., Craver, A., Keller, R., Stewart, W., & van Riper, C. J. (2020). ENVISION Fact Sheet: Building a place-based understanding of social-ecological dynamics and their consequences for landscape change in the Denali region of Interior Alaska. DOI:
ENVISION (2020). Policy Brief: Towards an Inclusive Global Biodiversity Framework. Zenodo. DOI:
Andrade, R., Johnson, D.N., Goodson, D., Stewart, W., Salcido, E., Rowe, G., Ware, H., van Riper, C.J. (in prep). Resident Perspectives of Public Land Management in Alaska. (Technical Report). Urbana-Champaign, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Johnson, D.N., van Riper, C.J., Stewart, W.P., Andrade, R., Salcido, E., Goodson, D., Keller, R., Colanni, R., Ware, H., Rowe, G. Johnson, E. (in review). A study of inclusive conservation in the Denali Region of Alaska. (Technical report prepared for the National Park Service). Urbana-Champaign, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Keeping in touch: Volume 1 (May 2019)
Keeping in touch: Volume 2 (October 2019)
Keeping in touch: Volume 3 (July 2020)
Keeping in touch: Volume 4 (October 2022)
Decision Support Tool
A study of values, environmental behavior and GPS visitor tracking in Denali National Park and Preserve (2016)
Winkler‐Schor, S., van Riper, C. J., Landon, A., & Keller, R. (2020). Determining the role of eudaimonic values in conservation behavior. Conservation Biology, 34(6), 1404-1415. (PDF)
van Riper, C.J., Foelske, L., Kuwayama, S., Keller, R., & Johnson, D. (2020). Understanding the role of local knowledge in the spatial dynamics of social values expressed by stakeholders. Applied Geography.(PDF)
van Riper, C.J., Winkler-Schor, S., Stamberger, L., Keller, R., Braito, M., Raymond, C., Eriksson, M., Golebie, E., & Johnson, D. (2019). Integrating multi-level values and pro-environmental behavior in a protected area. Sustainability Science, 14(5), 1395-1408. (PDF)
Stamberger, L., van Riper, C.J., Keller, R., Brownlee, M., & Rose, J. (2018). A GPS tracking study of recreationists in an Alaskan protected area. Applied Geography, 93, 92-102. (PDF)
Johnson, D.N., Rogowski, J., van Riper, C.J., Keller, R., Stewart, W.P., Salcido, E.L. (in review). Connecting social values and environmental behavior: The case of Denali National Park and Preserve. Target Journal: Land Use Policy. (Abstract PDF)
Keller, R. & L. Foelske. 2021. Using GPS units to understand where backpackers travel in Denali National Park. Alaska Park Science 20(1): 88-95. (PDF)
van Riper, C. J., Stamberger, L., Kuwayama, S., Lum, C., & Sabrina, S. A Study of Values, Environmental Behavior, and GPS Visitor Tracking in Denali National Park and Preserve. Technical Report Prepared for the National Park Service, Report Number: NPS/7112/2017/7112Affiliation. (PDF)