Author Archives:

Introducing Evan Salcido to the team!

Evan Salcido comes to us fresh out of a Master of Science program in Natural Resource Science & Management at the University of Minnesota. He has joined the academic community at the University of Illinois as a Ph.D. student in Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences. Evan is keen to transition into mixed-methods research from a read more »

Summer 2019 Denali Visit

Our team has returned to Denali for summer field work! Over the course of a few weeks, we held three focus groups, seven interviews, and several meetings with folks from the local communities, State DNR, and the Board of Fish and Game. Our team had many exciting experiences during these few weeks including celebrating Healy’s read more »

ENVISION meeting in Netherlands

This June, Professor Carena van Riper and Dana Johnson traveled to the VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands for the second meeting with the international ENVISION team. During a three day workshop, the broader collaboration provided updates on current findings from each study site, developed strategies for collaborating across sites, and deepened the meaning of ‘inclusive conservation’ read more »

Presenting Denali findings at the International Symposium on Society and Resource Management

The University of Illinois had a strong presence at the annual International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Team member Dana Johnson shared preliminary findings on her research about characterizing the Denali region as a social-ecological system. She presented the results of a semi-quantitative fuzzy cognitive mapping exercise that was conducted with individuals in communities read more »