Author Archives:

Recent Panorama solution affords exciting opportunities to share our research about inclusive conservation in Denali

The Denali team partnered with their broader ENVISION collaborative and IUCN to publish a Panorama solution about inclusive conservation in Denali. Panorama is a partnership initiative to identify and share examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across a range of conservation and sustainable development topics, enabling cross-sectoral learning and inspiration. Our recently published solution affords exciting read more »

Sharing project findings at the International Association for Society and Natural Resources Virtual Conference

Team members Dana Johnson and Devin Goodson presented findings from their research in Denali at the International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) Virtual Conference that was held virtually from June 20th – June 24th. This annual conference is hosted by IASNR, the flagship organization for applied and interdisciplinary social science research pertaining to read more »

Recent webinar hosted by IUCN featuring inclusive conservation and the ENVISION project

Our work in Denali and other sites part of the ENVISION project were featured in a webinar hosted by IUCN about inclusive conservation in protected areas! Team members Carena van Riper and Riley Andrade represented our work in Denali and offered insights for how our current findings can be used to balance stakeholders’ visions in read more »

State-wide and regional survey launch

We are excited to announce that we have recently launched two surveys as part of as part of the next phase of our ‘Inclusive Conservation’ research project. A regional household survey to residents of Interior Alaska! Our questionnaire has been sent to the household addresses and PO boxes of 3,000 residents living on or near read more »

David Nguyen disseminates findings at the UIUC Undergraduate Research Symposium

Undergraduate Research Assistant David Nguyen presented a poster at the University of Illinois Undergraduate Student Research Symposium in April 2020. His research was developed in collaboration with Professor Bill Stewart and PhD student Ben Leitschuh. Check out David’s poster here or read an overview of their finding: The NPS has implemented off-road vehicle (ORV) trail read more »

Introducing our newest team member, Riley Andrade!

  Riley Andrade will be joining the team as a postdoctoral research associate starting in May 2020. Riley is a Landscape Ecologist and Geographer from Arizona State University. Her research is focused on human-environment interactions, including attitudinal factors, landscape management, and biodiversity. She will be responsible for leading a social learning component of the project, read more »

Sharing findings at The Academy of Leisure Sciences 2020 Conference

The University of Illinois recently hosted the 2020 Academy of Leisure Sciences’ Conference on Research and Teaching, and our team was eager to make our presence felt. Team member Evan Salcido presented research examining the relationship between values assigned to features of the park landscape, and the behavioral activities of park visitors. Drawing from an read more »

Upcoming regional and state-wide survey!

Our team is keeping busy in Illinois while we gear up for a regional household survey that will be administered in Alaska this spring! Our questionnaire is aimed at understanding residents’ values, connections to their home, preference for future scenarios in the face of change, and more. We will be administering a state-wide survey and read more »

January 2020 Denali visit

Our team kicked off the new year in Denali, Alaska with field research that included qualitative data collection, a tour of a U.S. Air Force Station, and convening Denali’s local knowledge alliance. The ENVISION team had the privilege of learning from several local business owners and their connections to protected areas in Interior Alaska. As read more »

Introducing Gillian Rowe to the team!

Gillian Rowe is a new undergraduate member of our team. She is currently majoring in Natural Resources and Environmental Science and working towards a minor in sustainability at the University of Illinois. Within her major, she is concentrating in human dimensions to combine her interests in both the natural and social sciences. Outside of class read more »