The IME Journal
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics publishes leading research spanning all fields of actuarial science research. It appears six times per year and is the largest journal in actuarial science research around the world.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics is an international academic journal that aims to strengthen the communication between individuals and groups who develop and apply research results in actuarial science. The journal feels a particular obligation to facilitate closer cooperation between those who conduct research in insurance mathematics and quantitative insurance economics, and practicing actuaries who are interested in the implementation of the results. To this purpose, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics publishes high-quality articles of broad international interest, concerned with either the theory of insurance mathematics and quantitative insurance economics or the inventive application of it, including empirical or experimental results. Articles that combine several of these aspects are particularly considered.
The subject matter of the journal includes the theory, models and methods of life insurance (including pension systems, social insurance, and health insurance), of non-life insurance, and of reinsurance and other risk-sharing arrangements. It also includes innovative insurance applications of results from related fields, such as probability and statistics, computer science and numerical analysis, quantitative economics, mathematical finance, operations research and management science, and, in particular, quantitative risk management.
Call for Papers
Call for Papers for a Special Thematic Issue of Insurance: Mathematics and Economics on “Emerging Risks and Insurance Technology”
The journal Insurance: Mathematics and Economics was created 40 years ago to meet the demand for a reputable independent academic venue publishing quantitatively oriented work in the then-new disciplinary of insurance research. Over the past four decades, IME has developed into the largest journal in actuarial science research in the world, publishing leading research spanning all fields of actuarial science research. IME has a time-honored tradition to encourage discovery and innovation in new directions of actuarial science research.
Aims and Scope
Emerging risk and technology have always been cornerstones of development in insurance theory and practice. Modern societies face many disruptive challenges, including climate change, technological breakdowns, and global pandemics, which demand innovative risk modeling, assessment, and management solutions. These challenges call for substantial advances of the science and technology of risk and insurance.
To foster the role of insurance, and actuarial science, in the changing landscape of risk and technology, this call seeks original, innovative, and top-quality research papers representing state-of-the-art actuarial research on nontraditional topics covering emerging risks and insurance technology.
Subtopics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- climate change
- cyber risk
- pandemics
- catastrophe modeling
- decentralized insurance and financial technology
- telematics
- predictive insurance analytics
Papers on emerging risks and insurance technology combining theory and quantitative applications of broad international interest are particularly welcome.
This special call aims to provide a timely outlet for cutting edge research on the aforementioned topics.
Authors are encouraged to present and discuss their work at the virtual 24th International Congress on Insurance Mathematics and Economics, featuring a program of several invited and contributed sessions examining topics within the scope of this special call. However, submissions are not restricted to the conference. All papers submitted in response to this call shall be subject to the same review process as regular submissions to Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. The submission deadline is September 30, 2021. Final decisions are expected by May 2022.
To submit a paper: