I. Introduction.
It is well known that the big movement of capital in the next decade is going to be to Eastern Asia, the People's Republic of China (PRC) and India being the two world's most preferred targets due to the size of their consumer martkets. This article will only focus on the PRC, and Hong Kong due to its proximity to the Chinese Mainland. As it will be further explained, although foreign capitals may be invested in the PRC directly; the Hong Kong tax system is lower and simpler than the Chinese one, and therefore, frow a taxation view point it makes sense to manage assets located in the PRC through a Hong Kong, SAR entity. Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the PRC on July 1, 1997. However, it has a high degree of autonomy, except in the areas of defense and foreign policy, and retains its own currency, laws, and border controls.
II. Investing in the Chinese … Read the rest