A Note by Lindsey Robin
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As digitization and technology increasingly affect all aspects of life, law makers and academics alike continue to consider how antitrust law can be applied to digital markets. Concerns over big data, data security, monopolization, privacy, and unfair competition practices have garnered much attention across the globe in the last decade.[1] How and whether antitrust law should effectively address these concerns remains a hotly debated topic in the antitrust community.
[1] See generally, Benjamin M. Fischer, The Rise of the Data-Opoly: Consumer Harm in the Digital Economy, 99 Wash. U. L. Rev. 729 (2021); Mason Marks, Biosupremacy: Big Data, Antitrust, and Monopolistic Power over Human Behavior, 55 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 513 (2021); Joshua P. Zoffer, Short-Termism and Antitrust’s Innovation Paradox, 71 Stan. L. Rev. Online 308 (2019)… Read the rest