The First Step to Success: Securing Funding For Your Small Business

I. Introduction

Anyone who has considered starting a new business can attest to the
excitement that comes along with being one's own boss, setting one's
own hours, and turning a personal dream into reality. However, once the
initial thrill wears off, the daunting task of ensuring enough
preliminary funding and finding continued financing for the business
can quickly turn this dream into a nightmare. This article will discuss
the ways in which a small business can obtain initial funding and
continued financing. First, it will stress the importance of creating a
substantial business plan to which potential investors and sources of
funding can look to learn about the business. Second, it will discuss
debt options for funding and financing a business. Third, it will
discuss equity options for funding and financing a business. Finally,
it will conclude by summarizing the options for funding for a start-up
business and continued financing … Read the rest

The Obama “Celebrity” Ad and the Right of Publicity

I. Introduction

With the 2008 presidential campaign expected to break spending
records, it is no surprise that both major political parties are
flooding swing-state airwaves with television advertisements.  While
recent elections have produced the much-discussed "swift boat" and "3
a.m." commercials, the McCain campaign took a unique approach with the
summer release of the so-called Barack Obama "celebrity" ad.[1] In
response to the enthusiasm generated by large U.S. and European crowds
at Obama's public appearances, the McCain campaign featured images of
Britney Spears and Paris Hilton in an ad that characterized Obama as
"the biggest celebrity in the world."[2]  Such unauthorized use of
celebrity images in political advertisements has been the subject of
recent debate, as any potential legal actions implicate the tension
between the right of publicity and the First Amendment.

II. Principles of the Right of Publicity

The right of publicity, sometimes referred to as misappropriation,

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