Membership and Mentoring

Click here for: Eligible Classification List
Click here for: Online Membership Form
Click here for: Mentoring Plan

The duties of this committee are to recommend eligibility, to adopt a membership process as described in Article IV, and to keep a list of names and addresses of all members including allied agencies designating those who are regular and honorary members.

This committee conducts a membership drive in June for membership beginning July and ending the following June. This committee will also promote professional development by assigning an Executive Board member to reach out to new member to offer guidance, support and resources as a membership benefit.

Benefits of Membership

The dues are $25.00 for FY25 (50% off now through June 1, 2025!), and it affords members the opportunity to:

  • Benefit from a network of administrative professionals. When we have something we cannot do, how beneficial it is to contact those who can.
  • Attend the monthly luncheons which enables those who wish to “make a difference” to network.
  • Provide opportunities for professional development.
  • Keep members informed regarding important events and/or issues affecting them through a monthly newsletter.
  • Provide a forum for discussion of issues affecting support staff through liaisons with Staff Advisory Council and Civil Service Advisory Committee.

How to Join

Current memberships end June 30. If you are a new, returning, or retired member, please fill out the membership form before July 31. Dues are $25 for an FY25 membership (July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025)*. (50% off now through June 1, 2025!). Memberships can be paid via C-FOAPAL, cash, check, PayPal, or credit card (details on the membership form).

If paying with a check, please make your check payable to Illinois Administrative Professionals. Please include a copy of your membership submission with your payment so we can track the payments received.

Gift Memberships

Do you know someone who wants to be a member of Illinois Administrative Professionals, but has not yet joined or perhaps is experiencing a difficult time and would appreciate a very special gift at this time in their life? Consider giving them a gift membership and share the IAP experience with someone else.

Mentoring Program

With full support of the IAP Executive Board, a Mentoring Committee will be established. The committee will be comprised of current members at all levels of experience. They will be responsible for managing, coordinating, and overseeing the mentoring program. This includes setting objectives and goals, creating a survey to match mentors/mentees, marketing the program, providing resources to program participants, collect progress reports, and modify program objectives and goals as needed.

All IAP members who are current on their dues are eligible to participate in the program as either a mentor or a mentee. Solicitation for participation will go out in September, and matches will be made in October.

  • Benefits to Mentors
    • Networking opportunities
    • Creation of lasting relationships
    • Improved already established administrative skills
    • Gain additional knowledge of various University policies
    • Access to mentoring resources/training materials 
  • Benefits to Mentees
    • Networking opportunities
    • Creation of lasting relationships
    • Improve/develop communication skills
    • Improve/develop leadership skills
    • Access to mentoring resources/training materials
  • Benefits to IAP
    • Creating future leaders for the organization
    • Enhanced reputation of organization on campus
    • Stronger campus leadership support
    • Increase/retention of membership
  • Benefits to the Illinois Campus
    • Improved organizational effectiveness
    • Improved employee morale
    • Developed administrative support leaders
    • No cost for program support while building future leaders