Upcoming Events:
Explore ACES! March 8-9 2019
Come by and see us at Explore ACES to learn about what we do and how you can get involved!
Carpools for the Spring 2019 semester have started to both Crosswinds and Healing Horse!
Fundraising events:
Who We Are:
We are a University of Illinois Registered Student Organization, created in 2005, that volunteers and organizes fundraisers for Crosswinds Equine Rescue, Inc. and Healing Horse Stables.
Formerly called the Student Equine Emergency and Rehabilitation Society (S.E.E.R.S.), we decided to change our name to the Illini Equine Rescue Society and it became official earlier in summer 2015.
What We Do:
– Crosswinds: In order to find happy, permanent homes for the animals, many of them will require basic training. At Crosswinds, volunteers learn how to communicate with horses through body language using round pen techniques and may even participate in training some of the horses under saddle. Each participant generally gets anywhere between 5-15 minutes of one-on-one time with their horse, and generally people will work consistently with one or two horses throughout the year.
Horse experience is not necessary for this activity and the owners at Crosswinds will provide instructions.
-Healing Horse Stables: This is a unique opportunity because this stable is a therapeutic riding center. Children with physical disabilities, or learning disabilities gain confidence and motor skills while riding the horses. The emotional bond between rider and horse is another aspect of this therapy. On Saturdays, the carpool helps out with a class of kids where volunteers help groom and tack up the horses to get them ready, help the kids balance while they are riding, and lead the horses. The kids have a wide range of riding ability, and have all made great progress since starting the riding therapy. During the week, volunteer carpools help with day to day care of the horses. This means grooming, mucking out stalls, cleaning water buckets, and sometimes even training!
Horse experience is not necessary – a carpool leader will be there to give instructions and answer questions.
– Fundraising: Horses are not cheap animals to keep and care for. In order to help give the animals the best quality of life possible, we have fundraising events to raise money for the horses housed at Crosswinds. We will use these funds to help pay for feed, medicine, equipment and transportation. Our fundraising opportunities include engaging activities such pony rides at the annual Prairieland Feeds Pet Fair and more!
Who should join:
Everyone! Anyone who has a love of horses or animals in general will find this society a good fit for them! Working with and gaining the trust of these powerful animals can be incredibly rewarding. With many opportunities to show leadership and philanthropy as well, the Illini Equine Rescue Society provides a great avenue for those interested in gaining experience for veterinary, medical, or graduate school applications.
Social Media
Like our Facebook page, the Crosswinds Facebook Page and the Healing Horse Stables Facebook Page for more updates on current activities, latest events and pictures of our newest members and more!!!
Visit the Crosswinds Equine Rescue website to see a list of their current residents, wish list and successful stories of adopted rescues.
Visit the Healing Horse Stables website to see what they are all about!