Welcome to the Illini Dairy Club! We are a College of ACES registered student organization at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign seeking to educate students about dairy cattle and the dairy industry as well as to generate general appreciation for dairy. We offer educational, hands on, and social opportunities.
Every year, the Illini Dairy Club has our Milk-a-Cow booth at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield, IL. It is a great opportunity to teach the general public about cattle and dairy!! We would love your help! Please follow the instructions to sign up for shifts to help us out in August! Sign-Up for Shifts:…
What: Festival organized around Earth Day to bring the community together through live music, vendors, food trucks, art shows, clothing swap, and more! The Illini Dairy Club is partnering with Midwest Dairy to promote the dairy industry and the industry’s efforts at sustainability. We will be handing out dairy swag after participants answer some dairy…
Join us on April 10th, 2024 for our April Monthly Meeting! We will be meeting in ASL 292. We have a lot of business to cover including getting ready for the PDCA sale, the Animal Science banquet, a sustainability opportunity, and looking ahead to start planning for the IL State Fair Milk-A-Cow Booth! Looking forward…
Just a reminder, the PDCA Sale is quickly approaching! We are still looking for workers to help with the weekend’s activities. This sale is one of our club’s largest fundraisers. We get a percentage of the sale depending on how well we assist, so we need as much help as possible. This money goes back…
Join us Wednesday, March 6th, at 6pm at the University of Illinois Dairy Farm for our annual calf handling workshop. The chairman of the PDCA Calf Sale will also be there to give us an overview of the sale in April!
Illini Dairy Club Milk-a-Cow Booth at the Illinois State FairCalf Handling WorkshopIllinois Purebred Dairy Cattle Association Calf Sale