ICON Fall 2023 Recruitment and Information Sessions

ICON is open to all students at the University of Illinois, we have no restrictions on major, college, or previous consulting experience. Most importantly, we seek top-performing students with strong analytical background and problem-solving skills.

We will be presenting at the UIUC Quad Day Fair on August 20th from 12-4 PM on the Quad. We will also have information sessions during the second week of classes starting on Tuesday, August 28th (locations are still being confirmed). Please come out to those events to learn more about ICON and how we can help you develop yourself personally and professionally!

Our online application for Fall 2023 is now live! You can find it here: https://forms.illinois.edu/sec/765725018

The online application deadline is currently TBD, but will be updated as soon as it is available. After the application, results will be compiled and emails will be sent out for interview signups! The application generally takes 30 minutes to complete, so please give yourself enough time to complete it. You can save your answers and come back later if you wish.

Please contact us via Instagram at @icon_uiuc or at icon.uiuc@gmail.com if you have questions or concerns.

What You Can Take Away from ICON? Experiences Shared by Former ICON UIUC Chapter President

My experiences at International Consulting Network was one of the most humbling, exciting, and great learning opportunities during my tenure at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The practical use of real world VOIP software and enterprise cloud services such as Skype, Office 365, Glip, and the internal and external consulting group meetings on a weekly basis are mirror images of what I am doing today in my current position as Supplier Management Associate as part of Lenovo’s Future Leaders Program.

“The world is globalizing just as fast as it is accelerating in technology. ICON combines both of these industry trends in an academic, but professional setting.”

The fundamental learnings I took from ICON has accelerated my role in my job. The biggest value proposition from ICON that I will end on, is the support of the top executives and of course your main stakeholders: your team and consultants themselves. They support you every inch of the way, including how to become a better consultant, how to think differently, how to propose better processes, how to have professional etiquette, brevity, and professionalism with clients.

Working harmoniously together with my team, seeing them grow, having the the boards support, and seeing it all come together at the final deliverable to the client were some of the best times of my life. To this day, I have been applying the successes, as well as learning opportunities from the failures in my current job.

– Yuedong Tony Lu | Former UIUC Chapter President
Lenovo Future Leaders Program, Global Supplier Management