Paul W. Francisco

FranciscoSenior Coordinator,

Indoor Climate Research & Training (ICRT) group,
Applied Research Institute (ARI), College of Engineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Contact:, 217-898-7079

ARI profile


What research topics are you best known for?
Residential: Ventilation, Indoor Air Quality, energy efficiency, building science

What research topics and/or issues are you currently pursuing?
Indoor contaminant levels, impacts on health, relationship between IAQ and energy efficiency measures, changes in IAQ with location and time, influence of outdoor environmental factors, impacts of ventilation strategy options on IAQ, radon

What evaluation and analysis tools do you use most often in your research?
Air quality measurements (HOBOs, DustTraks, Lascar), pressure and flow diagnostics (Energy Conservatory equipment), Stata for analysis

What investigations are of interest to you in the near future (next 1-3 years)?

More comprehensive temporal and spatial impacts on IAQ, application to international situations (especially rural), more collaboration with health professionals (environmental health, medical professionals, industrial hygiene)

What skills or expertise would be most valuable to you in a collaborator on your current or future research?
Measurement of health outcomes, climatological influences, particle transport, biological and chemical analysis


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