Team News

Want to know more about what we’re up to?

Our study on methamphetamine-related mortality was cited in a 2024 White House Report from the Office on National Drug Control Policy.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse has awarded Dr. Hoopsick and Dr. Gregory Homish (University at Buffalo) with a 5-year $3 million research grant to examine the substance use, mental health, and suicidality of healthcare workers in the United States.

Dr. Hoopsick was quoted by NPR on moral injury and the mental health of lower-wage healthcare workers: Nursing aides plagued by PTSD after ‘nightmare’ COVID conditions, with little help – NPR

PhD student Benjamin Campbell was selected for the 2024 Karin A. Rosenblatt Community Health Graduate Scholarship, and undergraduate student Savannah Guzman was selected for the 2024 Aurelio E. “Joe” Florio Scholarship. Congratulations on your well-deserved departmental awards!

Dr. Hoopsick was quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle on the co-use of stimulants and opioids: It’s not just fentanyl. How ‘speedballs’ are making S.F.’s drug overdose crisis even worse (

PhD student Benjamin Campbell was selected as a Policy and Research Legislative Fellow for the 2023-2024 academic year with the Center for Social and Behavioral Sciences. Congratulations on this prestigious fellowship, Ben!

Dr. Hoopsick was quoted on her recent study on methamphetamine-related mortality in U.S. News and World Report, MSN, Illinois News Bureau, Illinois Public Media, WCIA News, Medical Xpress, OPEN MINDS, Ma Clinique (France), and Presna Latina (Cuba) among others.

Dr. Hoopsick was quoted by Public Good News about protecting immunocompromised people during the pandemic: How immunocompromised people can avoid COVID-19 this winter – Public Good News

Dr. Hoopsick was quoted in the New York Times about the state of the pandemic: As the Pandemic Drags On, Americans Struggle for New Balance – The New York Times

Dr. Hoopsick had the opportunity to take over the social media account for the Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER) to highlight the air quality across the University of Illinois campus – an important indicator in the context of an airborne pandemic! Check out this thread on Twitter: Society for Epidemiologic Research

Several of Dr. Hoopsick’s research articles were highlighted by Military REACH, an organization at Auburn University that aims to bridge the gap between research and practice for military-connected families. Her work was highlighted in the Translating Research Intro Practice (TRIP) Report series: Military REACH Library (

As first-gen faculty, Dr. Hoopsick was accepted into the 2022 cohort of the NIDA Diversity Scholars Network, a competitive, rigorous, and comprehensive program aimed at enhancing the funding success of underrepresented early-stage investigators conducting substance use and addiction research: NIDA Diversity Scholars Network (NDSN) | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (

Our research proposal in collaboration with the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District was selected for funding by the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute (IHSI) to be a part of the UIUC Summer 2022 Community Academic Scholars Program: Understanding the Experiences, Needs, and Preferences of People in the Champaign-Urbana Community Who Inject Drugs | IHSI | Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute | UIUC (

Dr. Hoopsick was featured on the University of Illinois College of Applied Health Sciences podcast: A Few Minutes With Rachel Hoopsick | College of Applied Health Sciences (

Dr. Hoopsick was quoted in the Washington Post on vulnerable children: Working parents with vulnerable kids face a painful choice: In-person school or job loss – The Washington Post

Dr. Hoopsick was quoted in the American Prospect on vulnerable children: Making Room for Children Vulnerable to COVID – The American Prospect

Dr. Hoopsick’s research on never-deployed reservists was featured in the University at Buffalo News: Study sheds light on alcohol misuse among never-deployed reservists – University at Buffalo

Dr. Hoopsick was featured in the Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health newsletter: ASPPH | University at Buffalo Student Wins National Honor for Research Poster

Dr. Hoopsick’s research on substance use among never-deployed reservists was featured in MDEdge Psychiatry: Watch for substance use risks among never-deployed reservists | MDedge Psychiatry