Current and former students

Current Ph.D. Students


Photo Name Biography
Michael Musgrove
Joseph Harmon Joseph Harmon is a PhD candidate whose research focuses on 1-D site
response analyses and site amplification in Central and Eastern North
America (CENA).He graduated with a BS from the University of Washington
and MS from UIUC. He is currently working with the Geotechnical Working
Group of the NGA-East Project coordinated by PEER to develop seismic site
amplification factors for CENA, and he contributes to the development of DEEPSOIL.
Randa Asmar
Eun Hyun Park Eun Hyun is a PhD student who has been work with professor Hashash since 2012. He graduated with aBS in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Handong University in South Korea and obtained a MS in

Civil and Environmental Engineering from UIUC. He is working on hardware acceleration of iBLOKS3D, a

discrete element method software developed in UIUC. Also, he is developing, a Graphical User interface

of the software.


Ozgun Numanoglu Ozgun graduated from the Middle East Technical University at 2013 with BSc. degree in theDepartment of Civil Engineering and finished his Master of Science in the University of Illinois at Urbana

– Champaign at 2014. Currently, he is a PhD candidate. His primary research interests are geotechnical

earthquake engineering and computational geomechanics with the emphasis in constitutive modeling of

soils, finite element analysis, soil-structure interaction and site response analysis. His current research

focuses on the inverse analysis of non-linear soil behavior at element and centrifuge level and numerical

modeling of large scale centrifuge testing using finite element method.



Former M.S. Students


Photo Name Biography
Omar Baltaji Omar is currently working on optimizing strut design of deep excavations. Numerical analysis results and empirical results are compared with the heavily-instrumented-site measurements. The research would provide a better understanding of the parameters that contribute to struts loading.


Former Students


Photo Name Biograpy
Duhee Park  Ph.D.
Camilo Marulanda  Ph.D
Donald Wotring  Ph.D.
Byungmin Kim  Ph.D.
Sung Jae Lee  Ph.D.
 Hwayeon Song  Ph.D.
 Camilo Phillips  Ph.D.
 Mark Mucszinsky  Ph.D.
 Mohamad Jammoul  MS
 Kaitlyn Fleming  MS

 Kaitlyn Fleming  MS