

My research interests are Game theory, Optimal control and Optimization.

During my Masters thesis, I worked on modeling and investigating security attacks on networked control systems in the presence of an intelligent adversary. This work borrows concepts from information theory, optimal control theory, and game theory to compute the optimal strategies for the control systems when the system is under attack by the enemy.

During my PhD, the focus of my work shifted to examine the effect of different information patterns in control systems where multiple agents are connected in a network but have limited information of the entire state space of the system. Roughly speaking, information pattern of an agent in a stochastic control or a stochastic game problem is the set of random variables that each agent observes at a time step. Certain specific information patterns, called non-classical information patterns, arise in distributed and decentralized control systems and networked control systems. The algorithms to find optimal solution to problems with non-classical information structure are proven to be computationally infeasible. At this point of time, I am looking forward to show some existence results for such problems.

My MS thesis can be downloaded from here.


I have taken following courses after my undergraduate studies. I will not be taking any more courses in graduate school.

Fall 2009
ECE 515 Linear Systems A (4.0)
ECE 534 Random Processes A (4.0)
ECE 598 RT Randomized algorithm for Control Design A (4.0)

Spring 2010
ECE 553 Optimum Control Systems A (4.0)
CS 498 Planning Algorithms A- (3.67)
AE 508 Optimal Aerospace Trajectories A (4.0)
ENG 565 Technology Innovation and Strategy A- (3.67)

Fall 2010
ECE 586TB Static and Dynamic Game Theory A+ (4.0)
ECE 563 Information Theory A- (3.67)
MATH 447 Real Variables A+ (4.0)
AE 416 Applied Aerodynamics A (4.0)

Spring 2011
ECE 580 Optimization by Vector Space Methods A (4.0)
MATH 540 Real Analysis I A+ (4.0)

Fall 2011
MATH 579 Coding Theory A (4.0)
MATH 550 Dynamical Systems I A+ (4.0)
MATH 518 Differentiable Manifolds B+ (3.33)
MATH 554 Linear Analysis and PDEs A+ (4.0)

Spring 2012
MATH 541 Functional Analysis A (4.0)
MATH 561 Theory of Probability I A+ (4.0)
AE 598 Distributed Controls A (4.0)
ECE 559 Information Theory II A (4.0)
AE 554 Dynamical Systems and Bifurcation Theory A (4.0)

Fall 2012
MATH 562 Theory of Probability II A+ (4.0)
MATH 535 General Topology A- (3.67)