Tag Archives: tumblr

Team Awesome’s Awesome Blogs to Follow List

Like all other web enthusiasts the members of Team Awesome love following blogs, bookmarking them like some people collect comic books. In honor of the ending of Blogtober, here is a casually curated list of our favorites as library school students and future professionals in the LIS field*. Just click on the name and it will take you to read more »

Quiz: What Blogging Platform is Right for You?

What Blogging Platform is right for you?   1. What do you want to do with blogging? What do you want to mainly use your blog for? (or something like that) a)    Mostly view b)    Mostly post c)    Read and post equally d)    Only view   2.  To whom are you trying to reach? What read more »

Keeping up with the times

It is the middle of September! Which can only mean the latest fall fashions are out and especially the new fall tech. Today, Apple is unveiling the Iphone 5. Amazon has already released its Kindle Fire. New apps are coming up everywhere. Most importantly perhaps though, Windows 8 will soon be out this October and read more »