Tag Archives: tech tips

ITD Google Reader and Blogging Workshop

Last night Adam and I hosted a Google Reader/Blogging workshop in the Elluminate Meeting Room.  For my portion of the demonstration I talked about how users can personalize Google Reader to aggregate  blogs and news feeds in order to keep organized and share them with friends and Gmail contacts. You can view the slides from read more »

Keyboard shortcuts

If you are used to the Windows keyboard commands and tend to remain in the Mac operating system when you use the GSLIS labs, never fear! In many cases, Macs have similar keyboard commands. For example: In Windows, keyboard shortcuts for COPY, PASTE, and CUT are as follows: CTRL+C: Copy CTRL+V: Paste CTRL+X: Cut In read more »

Firefox Add-Ons

Do you use Firefox? We’d like to devote this entry to sharing our favorite add-ons. Everyone has different web browsing needs and preferences, and Firefox is great because it lets us customize our browsers to support these via add-ons, themes, and so forth. Please comment to share your favorites and they will be added to read more »