Tag Archives: LEEP

End of Semester Resources

Things can be stressful at the end of the semester as all the things a student has to do starts piling up!  Taking advantage of the resources available to you will go a long way toward making your life easier.  Here are a few things that you can add to your collection, if you don’t read more »

Resources for Preparing your Presentation in Elluminate

LEEP students will no doubt want to know as much as they can about Elluminate technology so that their presentations go off without a hitch.  So put your headsets and microphones on and get ready to run the audio set-up wizard yet again because it’s almost time to present your final projects for the Fall read more »

Preparing Presentation Materials for Elluminate

I’m working on a “Preparing your presentation materials for Elluminate” guide that’s designed to be a PDF/handout that can be uploaded to course moodles and or linked to on the public web.    Instructors and students will then have a way of knowing some of the lesser known secrets of what types of files and various read more »