Tag Archives: HelpDesk

Welcome to Spring 2016!

  Hello, GSLIS students! Welcome to the Spring 2016 semester! If you’re joining us here for the first time, welcome to the program! I am a representative from the GSLIS Help Desk and ITD Office, and this blog is here for technological insight, events that may be of interest to students here, and other such read more »

So What’s With the New Blackboard?

(Note: This post will be somewhat image heavy. The images are not large but can be expanded.) Good morning, everyone! I hope all of your holiday plans and travels are faring well so far. So any of you who take online LEEP classes may have noticed the Blackboard interface prompting you to make the switch read more »


Good Monday, everybody! As the semester begins to wind down into the home stretch, you all may find yourselves feeling overwhelmed by work, projects, or just the general looming dread of the SADs as the temperature starts to drop.

Meet the Staff: Fall 2015 Edition – Scott!

Our last new GA for Fall is Scott Smith!

Meet the Staff: Fall 2015 Edition – Holly!

And the second week of the semester has commenced! I’ll stop prefacing all of these with a calendar check, I promise. Our next new GA is Holly Soboroff!

Meet the Staff: Fall 2015 Edition – Karo!

Goooooooood morning, everybody! Your first week’s almost done! Hopefully you’re carving out some time to decompress in the next couple days. Next up for our new GA interviews is Karo Engstrom!

Meet the Staff: Fall 2015 Edition – Jamie (aka the writer!)

Once again, welcome everyone! Hopefully your first day of classes is going smoothly. We’ve got quite a few new hires to the HD/ITD team this semester, and I just so happen to be one of them. So, without trying to come off as cocky, I’d like to get this Meet the Staff initiative started with myself. read more »

Welcome to Fall 2015!

Hello, GSLIS students new and returning! Welcome to the GSLIS Help Desk/ITD Desk webpage.  To those of you who didn’t get the opportunity to visit us during one of your building tours or orientation, let me give you a rundown of what it is we do.

Halloween May Be Over But…..

In case you are already missing the mischief and costumes of Halloween and especially while watching the British celebrate Guy Fawkes Day, here’s Team Awesome in their Halloween best. Much thanks to Emily (also known as Apple) for supplying the pictures! It was an eventful day at the Help Desk. Apple and Windows both showed up and read more »

LEEP On-Campus

I knew something was different in GSLIS when I walked in the east door of the building this morning. Instead of being greeted by the quiet hum of classes in rooms 126 and 131, I found myself face-to-face with a bake sale. And not just any bake sale, but a bake sale featuring huge slices read more »