Category Archives: Uncategorized

Upcoming Workshops

Near the end of LEEP On Campus, Adam and Dan kicked off our Web 2.0 workshop series with their intro to Blogs and RSS Feeds workshop. They might be offering it again later this summer, if folks are interested! Next week Laks and I will be doing a workshop on Social Tagging, Bookmarking and Cataloging. read more »

Programming languages, pt. 1: Why Markup Languages aren’t Programming Languages and Let’s Learn PHP

What are your plans now that summer has started? Why not pick up a programming language? Even if you don’t plan on using it in the future, some of the introductory tutorials can be fun to work through and might give you a new perspective on what it means to program. Programming Languages vs. Markup read more »

Preparing Presentation Materials for Elluminate

I’m working on a “Preparing your presentation materials for Elluminate” guide that’s designed to be a PDF/handout that can be uploaded to course moodles and or linked to on the public web.    Instructors and students will then have a way of knowing some of the lesser known secrets of what types of files and various read more »

Word of the Week

We’ve taken a hiatus on “Words of the Week” (which actually tend to be phrases or acronyms or concepts), but why not start it up again for summer? cloud computing Cloud computing: has resources and information that are made available on-demand relies on sharing resources by networking large groups of servers to spread the work read more »

File Extensions

If you have saved a file before with a word processor or office program then chances are you know a little bit about file extensions.  File names created in Open Office Writer have a .odf at the end of them. Files created with Microsoft Word  have a .doc (or docx) at the end. The way read more »

Gaming on non-Windows Operating Systems

Now that everyone’s gearing up for the end of the semester, I thought it would be nice to do a for fun post (though don’t forget, ITD still has office hours going on where you can practice presentations and ask questions!). Apple’s iPad isn’t the only news for Mac aficionados lately. News sources over a read more »

ITD Google Reader and Blogging Workshop

Last night Adam and I hosted a Google Reader/Blogging workshop in the Elluminate Meeting Room.  For my portion of the demonstration I talked about how users can personalize Google Reader to aggregate  blogs and news feeds in order to keep organized and share them with friends and Gmail contacts. You can view the slides from read more »

Word of the Week

VPN: VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It is a virtual network that makes use of an underlying network to create a secure connection between a computer and a network or a computer and another computer. The connection may be encrypted or require authorization (for example, CITES recommends you set up CITES VPN so that read more »

Merging PDF Files

After staying up until 3:30 AM working on the final project for one of my classes last night, I was woken at 8:30 this morning by my phone ringing.  My friend was lucky that her picture showed up on the screen of my iPhone, because you have to be a pretty special person to get read more »

Website of the Week

Some blogs to check out! Check out the APA Style Blog. I heard about this from @ALALibrary. Some posts of interest: How to Cite Twitter and Facebook, Part I How to Cite Twitter and Facebook, Part II: Reference List Entries and In-Text Citations Another nice blog to check out is the Young Adult Library Services read more »