GSLIS student in third semester, concentration in youth/K-12 services. Currently working the Help Desk/ITD.
Hello once again, GSLIS! Hope everyone is having a good week. It seems like only yesterday we were all getting to know our Fall batch of GAs for the Help Desk (yours truly included). Well, with a new season comes more new faces! We have two new hires to the GA team, and as always, I read more
Hello, GSLIS students! Welcome to the Spring 2016 semester! If you’re joining us here for the first time, welcome to the program! I am a representative from the GSLIS Help Desk and ITD Office, and this blog is here for technological insight, events that may be of interest to students here, and other such read more
Gooooooooood morning everyone! I wanted to do something a little different today, maybe talk about something that some of you already have some familiarity with. Cloud storage is something that we hear a lot about, but I think with how many options have surfaced, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by your options. So read more
(Note: This post will be somewhat image heavy. The images are not large but can be expanded.) Good morning, everyone! I hope all of your holiday plans and travels are faring well so far. So any of you who take online LEEP classes may have noticed the Blackboard interface prompting you to make the switch read more
Even as the semester begins to close there are still quite a few interesting tech events and Savvy Researcher workshops taking place at the main library in the coming weeks. Once again, direct links provided so you can access the registration pages.
Good Monday, everybody! As the semester begins to wind down into the home stretch, you all may find yourselves feeling overwhelmed by work, projects, or just the general looming dread of the SADs as the temperature starts to drop.
Hey again, everyone! We’re halfway through the semester already. Don’t focus too hard on that, it’ll go by too quick if you do. Anyway, down to business. Unsurprisingly, as this is a large university, there are a lot of events to keep track of. As such, there are a lot of calendars to keep track read more
Our last new GA for Fall is Scott Smith!
And the second week of the semester has commenced! I’ll stop prefacing all of these with a calendar check, I promise. Our next new GA is Holly Soboroff!
Goooooooood morning, everybody! Your first week’s almost done! Hopefully you’re carving out some time to decompress in the next couple days. Next up for our new GA interviews is Karo Engstrom!