Welcome to Spring 2016!


Hello, GSLIS students! Welcome to the Spring 2016 semester!

If you’re joining us here for the first time, welcome to the program! I am a representative from the GSLIS Help Desk and ITD Office, and this blog is here for technological insight, events that may be of interest to students here, and other such miscellany and minutiae.

This post is a bit late, but we just wanted to keep people afloat of things new and old that may be of interest to you folks.

Firstly, from our end. In case you haven’t heard, the Help Desk is now (finally) on Instagram! Be sure to follow us at gslis_help_desk for fun stuff around the building and office.

As of right now there isn’t too much technological change happening within the GSLIS building that you haven’t already been made aware of. Of note, though: when you are logging into an instructor machine (that is, the machine that is equipped in the room) in a classroom, the login will now require your campus-wide credentials. This includes the instructor machine in the LRL in the basement, although the rest of the computers in the lab still use GSLIS credentials. For some of you this may not be an issue, as you may use the same password for both, but just something to keep in mind if your GSLIS password is getting rejected in a classroom console.

Next, I wanted to make everyone aware of the Savvy Researcher workshops available at the main library this semester! Whether you’re required to attend one for class, or you’re just looking to enrich your technological skills or experience, these can be useful to visit! These workshops have only just begun, and you can find a breakdown of all of them on this page. Many of these do require basic registration (essentially just a marker of attendance), so mark them down if you’re planning on going!

We’ll have more updates and posts coming as the semester progresses. All posts will be linked to our Facebook page and our Twitter, so check there!

Hope you guys have a great semester and we hope to see you around!

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