Today is everyone’s lucky day because I am actually going to do a few blog posts! So, hold onto your hats, and give a solid show of appreciation for Jen!
Jen grew up in Champaign and went away for school, first to ISU and then to Brooklyn College. She worked for a while in a variety of locations but couldn’t stay away from good ol’ CU! She came back to Champaign and has been working merrily at GSLIS ever since as a User Services Specialist in the Systems Office. Jen describes her journey as “along the way, two kids, much laughter, running, cooking, eating, and more laughter.” 🙂
Similar to Max, her favorite item to borrow from the Help Desk involves sweets, taking, and not a lot of returning!
An interesting class that she took a few years ago was a course on stained glass, and she says that she greatly enjoyed it. Sounds like fun!
The top three things that Jen would bring with her if she were stranded on a desert island would be:
- My husband (and maybe the short and loud people, if they promise not to complain too much about not having access to the internets)
- My kitchen and lots and lots of groceries so that I could have fun cooking (if I can kick my husband out of the kitchen long enough)
- My Kindle (fully charged and with all the books downloaded) and the huge stacks of books from around the house.
- sunscreen
She’s the first staff member to try to get away with bringing an extra item! Judge’s ruling? We’ll allow it. Gotta protect yoself from those UV rays!
Finally, Jen says that there isn’t anything unique about her, but since I’m positive that’s not true, I’m going to mention that she ran the Illinois half-marathon in 2014 and totally rocked it!
Additionally, another fun tidbit—the Systems Office recently had a makeover with the lemon-y fresh cleaning assistance of yours truly, so stop on by to see what a world full of light and free of dust looks like! They can also help you with server issues, user profile items, and a multitude of other potential computer hiccups. Come say hi!