
In 2010 and 2012, Establishing Identity: LGBT Studies and Music Education I & II brought together students, teachers, college faculty, and researchers to discuss relevant research, theory, and practice from an LGBT perspective. Topics included: career paths in music education and re/negotiating “the closet,” experiences of LGBT undergraduates in music education, music educator identity and sexual orientation, queer institutionalization, and gender and music education. More than 40 research studies and papers have been presented.

This purpose of the third symposium is to encourage, promote, and disseminate discourse regarding intersection of LGBT topics and music education. The symposium seeks to reveal how LGBTQ issues operate within music education in terms of research, curriculum, teacher preparation, and the musical lives and careers of LGBTQ music students and teachers. In particular we hope provide information related to the following questions:

1. How can music educators address social issues surrounding equality
and privilege that stem from gender and sexuality identity constructions?

2. How can we create socially responsive learning opportunities that
support LGBTQ members of our local communities?

3. How can we engage with policy, research, and local and national
partnerships to develop increased awareness in ourselves and support for
LGBTQ individuals and groups?

4. What might LGBTQ inclusive and supportive music education programs look like at primary and secondary grade levels and higher education settings?