Graduate student Fangzhao Alex An was chosen as one of the U.S. representatives to attend the 2019 Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting in Lindau, Germany. This meeting brings Nobel prize-winning scientists together with “the next generation of leading scientists,” and Alex’s selection was well-deserved!
Author Archives
July 2019: Paper on studying chaos in synthetic lattices chosen as Editor’s suggestion at Physical Review A — congrats to Eric and Jackson!
Our group’s paper on the study of wave chaos in synthetic lattices has been published in Physical Review A, and was chosen as an Editor’s suggestion. This work was led by graduate students Eric Meier and Jackson Ang’ong’a, and shows that systems featuring chaos, specifically the paradigmatic quantum Kicked Top model and variants thereof, can […]
April 2019: congrats to Alex, Hannah, Rithi, Michael, and Garrett on their awards and fellowships!
Hats off to Fangzhao Alex An for being awarded the Fall 2019 Drickamer Research Fellowship, to Hannah Manetsch for being awarded the 2019 Mok Wing Ho Scholarship, and to Ritika Anandwade and Michael Castle for being selected for the 2019 Philip J. and Betty M. Anthony Undergraduate Research Awards! Great job! Also a huge congrats […]
April 2019: Paper on non-Hermitian synthetic lattices published in New Journal of Physics — congrats to Sam, Jackson, and Alex!
Our group’s paper on the engineering of tunable local loss in synthetic lattices has been published in New Journal of Physics in the Focus Issue on Quantum Transport in Ultracold Atoms. This work, led by undergraduate researcher Samantha Lapp and grad students Jackson Ang’ong’a and Alex An, opens up the new capability to explore the […]
March 2019: New AFOSR DURIP support for synthetic momentum-state lattices project.
We’re excited to thank the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research for their support of our synthetic momentum-state lattices project through the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program. This crucial support will enable the control over atomic interactions and flexible trapping for these experiments on engineered synthetic lattices.
September 2018: Team of four U of I researchers chosen to collaborate on cross-cutting QIS-HEP research
The research groups of Bryce Gadway, Brian DeMarco, Aida El-Khadra, and Bryan Clark have been selected to investigate the use of dipolar quantum matter, such as systems of polar molecules or Rydberg atoms, for the exploration of high energy physics phenomena. This project is part of an exciting new Department of Energy program on Quantum […]
August 2018: New paper on mobility edges in low-dimensional systems published in Physical Review X – congrats Alex and Eric!
Alex’s new paper on effects of disorder and large effective magnetic fields on quantum transport has been published in Physical Review X. He and Eric found that adding extremely large effective magnetic fields to atoms in a disordered landscape could introduce a mobility edge (an energy-dependent transition from insulator to conductor), and that atomic interactions […]
April 2018: Congrats to Eric, Samantha, Hannah, and Ritika for their awards and fellowships!
A big set of congratulations to Eric Meier for being awarded the Fall 2018 Drickamer Research Fellowship, to Samantha Lapp for winning the 2018 Laura B. Eisenstein Award, to Hannah Mannetsch for being selected for the 2018 Jeremiah D. Sullivan Undergraduate Research Award, and Ritika Anandwade for being selected for the 2018 Commonwealth Edison/Beryl Bristow […]
April 2018: A super-big congrats to Michael Highman on being selected as a 2018 NSF Graduate Research Fellow!
A super-big congrats to Michael Highman on being selected as a 2018 NSF Graduate Research Fellow!
December 2017: Congrats to Jackson on his paper accepted to J Phys B, and congrats to Alex, Eric, and Jackson on their paper accepted to PRL!
Congrats to Jackson on his paper accepted to J Phys B, and congrats to Alex, Eric, and Jackson on their manuscript accepted to PRL!